Fouga's aircraft department formed 1936, subsequently building designs of M. Pierre Mauboussin who, with M. Castello, developed Castel-Mauboussin gliders and sailplanes. Operated postwar as Etablissements Fouga et Cie, becoming Air Fouga September 1956 when company was taken over, in equal shares, by Breguet, Dassault, Morane-Saulnier, Sud Est and Ouest Aviation. Acquired by Henry Potez May 1958, renamed Potez Air Fouga. Early activities included production of Mauboussin 123
Aerospatiale (Fouga) CM.170 Magister / CM.175 Zephyr
CM.170 Magister / CM.175 Zephyr
trainer, Castel C.25S, C.30S, and C.300S gliders. Castel- Mauboussin CM.10 transport glider built for French military forces, also CM.100 powered version with two Renault engines. In the latter CM-101R Renault engines augmented by two Turbomeca Pimene turbojets. Experience with CM.8-R.9 Cyclipe and with the Gemeaux led to development of the CM.170R Magister jet trainer, first flown 23 July 1952 and subsequently built in quantity for French Air Force and overseas customers. Company operated as Potez Air Fouga until September 23,1961, when it was completely absorbed into Etablissements Henry Potez SARL. Continued development of CM.170 Magister and CM.175 Zephyr naval version, which were first flown as production aircraft on May 30,1959.

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