Founded at Toulouse in 1922 by Emile Dewoitine to build all-metal aircraft. His first fighter, the D.1, appeared that year and his ultralight D.7 of
Dewoitine D 1
D 1
1923 was demonstrated in the U.S.A.. Designed and built a number of fighters, of which the D.21 of 1927 was built in Switzerland and France, and in 1929 in the Argentine. As no French orders were forthcoming, Dewoitine went to Switzerland in 1927 and formed the Societe
Dewoitine D 21
D 21
Aeronautique Dewoitine. Returned to France 1930, establishing a manufacturing agreement with Liore et Olivier, which was entrusted with the redesign of his D.531 to become the D.37 for the Armee de I'Air. He produced two long-range aircraft, both lost on record attempts, and airliners for Air France,
Dewoitine D 520
D 520
but in the main developed a successful family of fighters, the last of which, the D.520 of 1938-1940, was known as the "French Spitfire." Merged into SNCAM in 1936. During the war the Group formed the Societe Industrielle pour I'Aviation with the organization that represented General Motors in France, building the Arado Ar 196 and Ar 199 and developing the Ar 296.

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D 513
D 520