Air Navigation and Engineering Co. Ltd. formed at Addlestone, Surrey, as successor to the Bleriot and Spad Aircraft Works, which had built Spads and had been awarded a contract for S.E.5a fighters, though name ANEC was associated with new civil airplanes. Three monoplanes (ANEC I, IA and II), designed by W. S. Shackleton, were among Britain's earliest ultralight aircraft. ANEC IV Missel Thrush (designer J. Bewsher) was light biplane, but ANEC III was large single-engined transport biplane designed by G. H. Handasyde, who had no production facilities for his own Handasyde Aircraft Co. Ltd. First ANEC III flown March 1926. Three of type contributed to development of aviation in Australia, two being converted to Larkin Lascowls, one of which was not retired until June 1932.

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