Initials of Ago were those of Aerowerke Gustav Otto (founded 1912), but the name was first applied in 1911 to products of Aeroplanbau G. Otto and Alberti.
Ago C.I, C.II
Modified biplane of Gustav Otto (German aviation pioneer, 1883-1926) and developments of Farman design were early products, but in 1912/13 came a seaplane of original design, followed by other types. During 1915/16 developed three pusher reconnaissance types: C.I, C.II ,and C.III with twin tail-booms but showing high efficiency despite layout.
Ago C.IV
C.I caused a stir on introduction at the Western Front by reason of twin-boom design, for which Swiss engineer A. Haefeli (earlier with Farman) was responsible. C.IV was tractor biplane with sharply tapered wings; about 70 in service 1917/18. Experimental types included seaplanes. Ago name disappeared until late 1930s, but during the Second World War was again current for Ago 192 Kurier light twin-engined monoplane (built 1938).

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