Established before First World War at Keyport, NJ. In 1917 received from US Navy largest single order for aircraft then placed by that service: 50 Model 39-A and 150 Model 39-B biplane trainers (wheel or float undercarriage). Model 700 served for early torpedo-dropping tests. Two 39-B used for deck-landing experiments. Type also made first landing (1922) on US Navy's first carrier (USS Langle^j. AS-1 and 2 were fighters, but more important were company's flying-boats (200 Model 40F ordered 1918). After the war, converted D.H.4s, built 25 Martin bombers (completed winter 1923/24) and undertook flying-boat conversions for civil use, thus making significant contributions to commercial flying (e.g., New York-Atlantic City service 1919). Two F-5Ls (Aeromarine Model 75) with accommodation for 12 passengers used on Key West-Havana run until 1923, when air mail subsidies withdrawn. In 1923 built metal-hulled flying-boat and biplane mail-carrier. PG- 1 low-level fighter completed by Boeing.

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