The purpose of this experimental single-seater was to study the placing of auxiliary rotors intended simultaneously to provide torque correction and longitudinal control. Two rotors, with compressed wood blades 1.6m in diameter, were placed symmetrically at 45�, one on each side of a V-shaped beam at the end of the fuselage, which was made of soldered tubes without a skin covering. These variable-pitch airscrews enabled the aircraft to be steered by varying their pitch differentially.
This helicopter flew for the first time on 1st June 1948. P.Lambermont "Helicopters and Autogyros of the World", 1958
This single-seat experimental heli-copter was designed in 1946 to study the use of auxiliary anti-torque rotors. It had two tail rotors set symmetrically at 45� on a double dihedral tail unit.
Technical data for Sud-Est SE.3101
Engine: 1 x Mathis 4GB 20 rated at 82kW,
main rotor diameter: 7.50m,
length: 6.90m,
take-off weight: 520kg,
empty weight: 400kg,
max speed: 120km/h,
cruising speed: 95km/h,
service ceiling: 3000m,
range: 100km
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