Back Bensen B-6 "Gyro-Glider"

Bensen B-6

Bensen's current range of do-it-yourself helicopters and autogyros stem from the B-5 Gyro-Glider of 1954, which was a single-seat rotor-kite towed into the air at around 30km/h and obtained its lift by the flow of air over its autorotating rotor. From this factory-built prototype, Bensen evolved the B-6 and B-7, and from these has come the standard production model the B-8. This has a somewhat more sturdy construction and is available as a factory-built machine or in kit form for amateur construction. Two water-borne versions of the B-8 are also available: the B-8B Gyro-Boat which has a boat-type hull and twin outrigged stabilising floats, and the B-8W Hydro-Glider mounted on twin floats.

K.Munson "Helicopters And Other Rotorcraft Since 1907", 1968

Bensen B-8W Hydro-Glider

Technical data for B-6

Engine: none, main rotor diameter: 6.0m, length: 3.45m, height: 1.91m, empty weight: 58kg

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