Sikorsky S-60
by last date | by total length | by number


09.05.2024 05:26

Isacco I-4 Helicogyr

07.05.2024 20:45

Kaman K-16

07.05.2024 03:31

Heavy transport helicopter

05.05.2024 19:42

Kamov Ka-22 "Vintokryl"

05.05.2024 19:42


05.05.2024 19:42

Kamov Ka-22 "Vintokryl"

05.05.2024 19:42

Kamov Ka-22 "Vintokryl"

05.05.2024 02:24

Piasecki "Heli-Stat"

04.05.2024 01:04

Mil Mi-17

28.04.2024 18:02

Bell "Eagle Eye"

25.04.2024 10:41


25.04.2024 10:40

25.04.2024 10:39

Fairey "Rotodyne"0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z

25.04.2024 10:39

25.04.2024 10:37

25.04.2024 10:37


25.04.2024 10:35

Fairey "Rotodyne"

25.04.2024 10:34

Fairey "Rotodyne"jXDYcsr1

25.04.2024 10:06

25.04.2024 10:06

25.04.2024 10:06


25.04.2024 10:06

25.04.2024 10:06


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04


25.04.2024 10:04

25.04.2024 10:02

michael french, e-mail, 25.07.2015 05:27

Enjoyed talking with Charlie and Bill about the S-60 restoration. Will be a real treat to see when completed. The Army Transportation Museum at Fort Eustis, VA has a nicely presented CH-37 Mojave Helicopter on display. This class of helicopter was a real "Cargo Beast" and the USMC had a variant that operated on Navy ships. Easy now to see how Igor and Staff morphed the S-56 / CH-37 components into the piston powered Sky Crane prototype. Lessons learned from the S-60 eventually led to Sikorsky's turbine powered S-64 (CH-54 Tarhe for the Army)and HH-53 versions for the Navy, USMC, and Air Force. Appropriate that 50+ years after the S-60 mishap (crew was not injured), that this historic aircraft is being stored to fine showcase condition. Mike

Andrew King, e-mail, 07.01.2015 22:25

The Connecticut Air & Space Center in Stratford, CT acquired the S-60 from the New England Air Museum in 2010. It is currently undergoing a full static restoration at our facility.

deaftom, e-mail, 14.04.2011 04:52


Who is this "we" that possess it and are restoring it?

Jason P, e-mail, 25.03.2011 15:42

I believe the first flight of the S-60 was 25 March 1959, not 2 March 1969.

Chris, e-mail, 23.11.2010 19:33

We have this one of a kind aircraft and are in the beginning phases of restoring it.

dick balls, 30.03.2010 16:15

this is sweet i wish i had one

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