17.03.2025 01:08
 Vought FU-1 16.03.2025 20:25
 North American O-47 16.03.2025 18:40
 Curtiss YP-60E 16.03.2025 02:35
 Fairchild KR-34 15.03.2025 21:32
 Canadair CL-44 "Forty Four" 15.03.2025 03:35

14.03.2025 15:08

14.03.2025 03:07

13.03.2025 15:12
 Martin JRM Mars 13.03.2025 02:47

12.03.2025 01:35

11.03.2025 19:28
 Junkers Ju 390 09.03.2025 22:40
 Christmas Bullet 08.03.2025 16:11
 Vought A-7 Corsair II 07.03.2025 06:34
 Convair 240 07.03.2025 06:10

07.03.2025 04:07

07.03.2025 04:06

07.03.2025 04:06

07.03.2025 04:04
 AVIS I 07.03.2025 04:03

06.03.2025 18:11
 ab4i5i 06.03.2025 18:10
 3q1m4b 06.03.2025 18:10
 3tmnh8 06.03.2025 18:09
 5vnwvm 05.03.2025 21:25

05.03.2025 15:52

04.03.2025 21:46
 Stinson Voyager / Sentinel 03.03.2025 20:18
 Aichi D3A "Val" 02.03.2025 21:51

 Lindsay Marsh, e-mail, 16.03.2025 02:35 This is an incredible relief, I can’t believe this, all the anxiety is gone, I’m credit card dept free with an excellent 804 credit score, all thanks to Mr. Jerry. Looking back, I was very stubborn and didn’t realize how much I needed help but I’m very grateful I took a leap of faith with jerrylinkcreditgroup At G mail dot com, they fixed everything, now I feel more financially competent as well as the weight of dept and high interest rates have been lifted off my shoulders, Cheers to them for a good job.
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| Barry, 10.03.2016 17:34 This aircraft was a product of Kreider Reisner Aircraft Company where it was known as the C4 Challenger, and when Sherman Fairchild reabsorbed this company into the Fairchild organisation it became known as the KR 34. How it is masted at the top of the page as 1937 I do not know as the original Curtiss OX5 in line engined plane first flew in 1928. The definitive KR34 was powered by 165 h.p 5 cylinder Wright J6 Whirlwind. Some were offered as armed attack aircraft and two of such were sold to a couple of Chinese war lords.
Span 30'1" Length 23'2" Height 9'3" Wing area 285 sq ft Empty Weight 1,524 lb Gross Weight 2,368 lb Max Speed 120 mph Range 510 miles Service ceiling 14,000 ft
| Warren Edgar, e-mail, 16.03.2015 19:14 While in college in Bakersfield, Ca I got my pilots license in a PT-19,starting Oct.12, 1953, joining a club that had the plane. I was taking several aviation classes at BFL College, the classes were at the airport. One of the classes was an engine class which included dismantling an engine and putting it back to gether and running it. I got that inverted 6 cyl engine, It was a Ranger like the one in the plane I flew. Then after the 2 years at BFL college, I joined the Navy's Navcad flight program so by the time I went into the Navy I already had about 250 hours and the tail wheel was not a problem for me with the Navy's SNJ. The PT-19's certificate no. was N56409. This one had a canopy on it. By the time I went into the Navy, I was the last member in the flying club so I sold that plane for $250. I've heard that it is still flying and living in Socal. It was a good stable, but extremely slow plane. No electrical system and had the hand crank to start it. Lots of fond memories flying that PT-19. Anyway, 20 years later I retired from the Navy with 5000 hrs of military flight time in both rotory and fixed wing.
| Joe McKnight, e-mail, 09.10.2011 23:04 We flew PT19s in primary flight school at Corsicana, TX in summer of 1944. It was a low-wing mono-plane with a 175hp straight-eight engine. Part of the training was to dismantle and reassemble the engine, mainly removing the head and oil pan, pulling cam and pistons, then putting it back together and make sure spark plugs were clean. Planes had wooden props and a crank on side of engine cowling; we had to crank it and stand clear while instructor started engine. then student pilots would climb in. Communication was one way with instructor speaking into a tube; other end of tube fastened to each side of students flight helmet. Woe unto student -- like me -- who misunderstood instruction. Fairchild also made a similar by-plane, PT17
| FRED B JONES, e-mail, 01.11.2010 04:17 I trained in a Fairchild PT-19 in 1943 at Ft Stockton, TEXAS.
| charles a. kulp, sr, e-mail, 27.09.2010 23:18 i used to own a kr-34 back in the late 50,s and early 70,s. aircraft n30m. now in smithsonian at dulles airport. flew it about 200 hours
| Harry Spencer, e-mail, 31.08.2010 09:03 It is a shame the Fairchild M 62A is not listed. Those were produced just before WWII as a military primary trainer, the PT 19, 23 and the PT 22. The PT19 was open cockpit fore-aft with no electrical system, and a Ranger L440 engine of 175 or 200 hp and a wood prop. The 22 was a closed cockpit used by Canada for their trainer. Many were built under license by Fleet and others. Wings were plywood, tail was fabric, and engine cowl was metal.
|, 26.12.2009 21:49 I am interested in any information/photos of the Fairchild Cornell that I trained on during WWII in Canada. RCAF
| Francis Maign�, e-mail, 22.12.2009 20:15 KR-34A Monomoteur de petit transport, triplace � ciel ouvert, les 2 passagers en c�te-�c�te, suivis du pilote en poste s�par�, biplan contrevent� par deux paires de m�ts parall�les inclin�s vers l�ext�rieur, hauban�, monod�rive, empennage horizontal classique hauban� � l�intrados et � l�extrados, train d'atterrissage classique fixe � roues ind�pendantes, roulette de queue. Construction en tubes d'acier soud�s et entoilage. 1 moteur tractif de 5 cylindres en �toile Wright J-6 Whirlwind de 165 cv, h�lice bipale � pas fixe, E: 9,17 m, L: 7,06 m, H: 2,82 m, Sa: 26,48 m�, Pv: 690 Kg, Ptc: 1075 Kg, C/a: 40,596 Kg/m�, P/p: 6,515 Kg/cv, Vm: 193 Kmh, Vc: 164 Kmh, Pl: 4265 m, Df: 820 Km. Ex Kreider-Reisner C-4 Challenger 1929, 2 exemplaires NC567K et NC11607, KR-34B : Version identique triplace avec 1 moteur Comet de 130 Cv, CU: 485 Kg, Vm: 193 Km/h, Vc: 164 Km/h, Vmi: 72 Km/h, Pla: 5029 m, Autonomie: 820 Km. 1935, 1 exemplaire NC205E.
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