17.03.2025 01:08
 Vought FU-1 16.03.2025 20:25
 North American O-47 16.03.2025 18:40
 Curtiss YP-60E 16.03.2025 02:35
 Fairchild KR-34 15.03.2025 21:32
 Canadair CL-44 "Forty Four" 15.03.2025 03:35

14.03.2025 15:08

14.03.2025 03:07

13.03.2025 15:12
 Martin JRM Mars 13.03.2025 02:47

12.03.2025 01:35

11.03.2025 19:28
 Junkers Ju 390 09.03.2025 22:40
 Christmas Bullet 08.03.2025 16:11
 Vought A-7 Corsair II 07.03.2025 06:34
 Convair 240 07.03.2025 06:10

07.03.2025 04:07

07.03.2025 04:06

07.03.2025 04:06

07.03.2025 04:04
 AVIS I 07.03.2025 04:03

06.03.2025 18:11
 ab4i5i 06.03.2025 18:10
 3q1m4b 06.03.2025 18:10
 3tmnh8 06.03.2025 18:09
 5vnwvm 05.03.2025 21:25

05.03.2025 15:52

04.03.2025 21:46
 Stinson Voyager / Sentinel 03.03.2025 20:18
 Aichi D3A "Val" 02.03.2025 21:51

 Anonymous, 13.03.2025 02:47 Nicole , when I got to the 225th , Heinz Tapio was already KIA . I IMAGINE YOUR DAD and him had gone over with the 225 th. In 1967 . When I went over I was with the 245th at Marble Mountian , Danang area. Our Paltoon was divided into two sections. SLAR and INFRA RED. We slept in different buildings so there is a good chance we never really met . I only flew one SLAR Mission for the 225th because they were having a party and needed someone who knew the SLAR SYSTEM to fly a mission . Sorry I can't say that I really knew him . You have to remember we had such weird work hours . I'll ask some of the guys I'm still in contact with and ask them if they knew him . Gary Todd
| Michael Needham, e-mail, 11.06.2024 18:08 I was at Huachuca from late 71 to 73 first as a student in the IR course then a a instructor teaching basic electronics and later teaching the AAS24 IR system
| Nicole Robie, e-mail, 25.05.2024 04:52 Gary,
My dad, Gary Larrison was also a TO in the 225th during 1967-68 (I think those are the years). He flew SLAR and infrared missions, all night time if I’m not mistaken. He lost a good friend, Heinz Tapio while there. If you knew him I’d enjoy hearing from you.
| George Branan, e-mail, 14.05.2024 00:09 My dad, William H. Branan, Jr. was the pilot of the Mohawk that day. He had always said it was a great plane to fly. Sad day for us and the Bittaker family.
| Curtis Collins, e-mail, 24.04.2024 07:32 Magilla? SP5 C Collins 1st Cav 2nd Asta Avionics at An Khe and Bong Son 1966-1967. Ran the shops for Hawk electronics support (bench) with a little bit of flight line time at Bong Son. Was there when the LZ got burned down in spring of '67 lots of wounded planes. Went to Huachuca and taught IR to's and maintained the avionics of the assigned Hawks there until separation 4/25/68
| Beverly Juan, e-mail, 16.12.2023 03:35 How do I recover $222,500. BTC sent to a romance scammer? It's possible to get back your money little I know it was a big shock of my life because the company i sent my money to was revealed to be a total scam. I contacted the professional and they helped me with the recovery of all my money successfully, you can also contact them for help. They will help you retrieve back your money, I was able to retrieve all my money back through the professional, you can contact them too they are ready to help....
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| Scott Mossman, e-mail, 08.12.2023 21:21 I was an enroute air traffic controller in S. Korea 1974-76. I was stationed at a microwave relay station on top of a mountain a little north of Busan. (Brooklyn Site) my ATC call sign was "Mike Sierra"
I had a few OV-1's in my airspace during that period but nothing too interesting happened.
I did hear from some ground controllers that the OV-1 had some problems with flipping over forward on landing. Is this a myth, or was it really a problem? Thanks
| David Beauchesne, e-mail, 22.04.2023 01:07 I used to bop in and out of Long Thanh in 71-72 to visit a few friends. One being Roger Pearson. He was a crew member 71-72, wonder if he flew with you.
| Dave Olney, e-mail, 20.02.2023 15:31 Dave Olney email: phone: 602-507-5107
It has been awhile..
I served in the 73d SAC June'68 - June '69
My mind has become a bit fuzzy. I am trying to remember two major events that affected those of us at the 73d:
First, the Army's decision to replace the organic oil used in the Mohawk engines (MIL-7808) with a synthetic oil (MIL-23699). It affected every unit. I think it was in the Fall of '68 but not sure. Anyone remember? Would appreciate any corroboration.
Second, the decision to integrate the ASTA Platoons with the 73d SAC at Vung Tau. I believe it was late 1968 but I am fuzzy on specific dates. Any help would be appreciated.
And my thanks to all who served in Mohawks. I had the privilege of working in Maintenance at the 73d SAC. We had significant challenges with round the clock operations that really got interesting when we added the ASTA platoons to our roster and inventory. I know my life changed significantly, because we had to resort to flying maintenance test flights at night (against Army Regs) in order to meet mission requirements. For me, working with the Mohawk and flying missions ( I preferred IR and photo vs SLAR) was both exciting and rewarding. And it was a privilege to work with and fly with great people. I don't ever recall having any personnel problems in maintenance. Every one pitched in to make sure every aircraft was ready to go on any mission. We knew that the lives of our friends and colleagues were in our hands and to my knowledge we never put an aircraft up for a mission that wasn't ready to go. The Army taught me how to manage maintenance operations, but they didn't teach me to turn the wrenches. I recall telling a periodic maintenance inspection team all of whom had been working their tails off to get the aircraft ready to go for a night mission that I was willing to do whatever it took to support them in their work. The entire maintenance crew were great to work with. I acknowledged their skills and knowledge and I think I told them one time that I was ready to hand them whatever wrenches they needed but made sure they knew they were the experts at fixing the birds and all of us relied upon their skills and dedication to meet mission requirements. i have worked with many technical teams in top companies since leaving the Army but I have never found a better group of guys who delivered the highest quality of work day in and day out. Without them, we would never have sustained such a high quality maintenance operation and delivered aircraft that were ready for every mission. Pilots have mentioned to me that they had great confidence in the aircraft because of the high quality of the maintenance so I know we had the best. My regrets were not having time to get to know all the people who worked on the aircraft. There was always more to do and never enough time to get it all done. We had a great beach at Vung Tau. I think I got down to the beach on 3 occasions none of which involved recreation just business. I loved flying the Mohawk and the U-6A (maintenance support and aircraft recovery). I didn't like getting shot at but that was the price to fly a great aircraft. It was also very tough and I came back from many missions with bullet holes in the aircraft. I also got very good at single engine operations because part of maintenance test flight procedures required shutting down the engines in flight (one at a time) to make sure they could be restarted. Occasionally, one wouldn't restart, and I would have to fly back and land single engine. I became good enough I stopped calling the crash crews to put them on alert. I loved flying the aircraft and serving in the 73D. It was a great unit with great people. and I still miss the thrill of being part of that great unit.
| Dave Olney, e-mail, 20.02.2023 14:05 Jack, I remember when you joined the 73d SAC at Vung Tau. I was serving as one of the Maintenance Officers along with Maj Hank Hall and CPT Roger Norris. Basically, I had flight line responsibilities along with Tech Supply and Maintenance Test Flights. You were a newly minted WO-1 and got assigned to the Maintenance Platoon. I recall a funny incident: One of our senior captains had about 3,000 hours in the Mohawk. One night he was taxiing out and did a reverse check and the left engine quit (I believe that was the one). He restarted it and performed another reverse check with same result. He taxied back into the parking ramp. I was out flying a mission that night and you were on duty. You noticed the aircraft taxiing back in and went to check with the pilot who described the problem. As I recall, from my later conversation with the pilot, you told him the engine was quitting because of monsoon moisture and that it would clear up as the engine warmed up. Amazingly, he bought your explanation and flew the mission. When he returned from his mission, he reversed props on landing and the same engine quit. I was on duty and noticed him taxiing in with a dead engine. When he shut down, I climbed up and asked him if the engine had quit before he flew the mission and he told me it had during reverse checks. I asked him why he took the aircraft and he said, and I quote, "Warrant Officer Bailey said it was a temporary problem caused by moisture and as the engine warmed up the problem would go away." I was stunned. First because the engine was quitting because of a likely fuel control problem...a real red flag that he should have recognized and taken the backup aircraft. With the fuel control issue, the engine very well could have failed during take-off... not a good thing. Secondly, I noted your advice to him was completely off the mark. Not good... and I believe I said something to you about that. Thirdly, when he told me his story, I looked at him in total amazement because I knew he had over 3,000 hours in the Mohawk. What amazed me was he did not know much of anything about the aircraft systems.... I believe I made a sarcastic comment to that effect something like "...and you have over 3,000 hours in this aircraft!" Then I explained what the problem was and pointed out that he should have rejected the aircraft...instead of buying your explanation :). I think he was a bit chagrined, and I hoped he would take some time to learn the systems at my suggestion. I am not sure he ever did. I made a practice of becoming familiar with all of the systems on any aircraft I flew...especially the Hawk. It was a great aircraft, but it would kill you if you didn't know what you were doing or didn't know the systems...especially the critical go-no-go symptoms. In his case, the aircraft was clearly telling him..."I have a significant problem", But he didn't know enough to recognize what it was saying to him. I am happy to say that you went on to a successful career in aviation and turned out ok. But that little incident stuck in my mind for many reasons but the most important one: Really know the aircraft you are flying and its systems. Take the time to study everything you can so you know how to understand when the aircraft is talking to you. It was a good lesson for all of us and one reason we all came home.
| Lawson Bittaker Jr., e-mail, 14.12.2022 18:31 David, I would love to know more! Please email me as the link to email you does not work when I click it on this website. This comment should send an email to you with my email-address.
| Darwin Maring, e-mail, 07.11.2022 02:41 Me, 15th Avn Company, 1st Cav Div Korea 1962/3. A mechanic with the first Mohawks in Korea. We arrived in Korea B 4 the aircraft.
| Darwin Maring, e-mail, 07.11.2022 02:39 Me, 15th Avn Company, 1st Cav Div Korea 1962/3. A mechanic with the first Mohawks in Korea. We arrived in Korea B 4 the aircraft.
| Greg Thomas, e-mail, 11.09.2022 18:57 Hi Floyd I was a crew chief on a OV 1 Mohawk at Tuy Hoa in 1971. Had a lot of good friends there.
| Greg Thomas, e-mail, 11.09.2022 18:27 Hi Floyd I was a crew chief on a OV 1 Mohawk at Tuy Hoa in 1971. Had a lot of good friends there.
| David Shelton, e-mail, 12.08.2022 23:25 Lawson, I knew your Dad. In fact, I prepped 698 for him that morning. I just finished a 90 minute test flight with Mr. Brannon, and turned the plane over to your Dad for his mission. E-mail me if you want to know more .
| Scott Richard, e-mail, 22.05.2022 03:00 Hi all. My father was a photo interpreter who flew in Mohawks in Vietnam. I'm not sure of the years, maybe '67-'70?? His name is Paul Richard. He retired in '81/'82 as a CW4. He's 82 now and still very much "with it". I would like to know if there are any of these still flying that I could get him in one again. I know he loves these birds as he has photos and a wooden carving of this plane. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Srichard2775 @ verizon . Net
| cornelius wilson jr, e-mail, 21.11.2021 00:34 45TRANS CO78/79
| Charles Blackwell, e-mail, 09.06.2021 16:21 Hi David
Are you still at this address? would like to hear from you.
| Charles Blackwell, e-mail, 09.06.2021 16:19 Hi Kenneth
Are you still at this address? would like to hear from you.
| John M. Standley, e-mail, 06.03.2021 05:03 Looking for information on a Capt Cook, perhaps Maj killed in Europe in 69 or 70. He gave Me a check ride in Bird Dog in Flight School and I flew one photo recon mission with Him while in the CAV in 67-68. Please email Me if You have info...Thanks
| Mike Grimes, e-mail, 15.10.2020 07:36 Doug: Hope you are doing well! Happened to be looking for Mohawk info, ran into this site and there you were. My wife Judy and I recently sold our house in Auburn and moved to a Manuf. home in a adult park in Kent, Wa. Still have too much Junk stacked around. Once again hope you and yours are in Good health!
| Lyle Zimmerman, e-mail, 15.08.2020 09:51 Hi Art, This maybe a long shot question I am going to ask in a little bit. I was a SP4 and worked in the Photo Lab developing the film from the missions. I worked nights in the Photo Lab fro.August 71 until April 5 or so. I got an early out to join the National Guard in Washington State.
Odd question, did your ever work at night? I am thinking one night when someone tried to blow up the First Sargent's hootch with him and a Warrant Officer was in it. I got off early because all the missions were in and probably between 2 or 3 in the morning was walking back to my hootch with another enlisted guy and a WO2. We had just walked past the First Sargent's hootch and then there was an explosin . Someone had tried to blow it up. Would that WO been you walking back with me and the other guy by any chance? Lyle
| Renate Trautwein, e-mail, 16.11.2017 10:25 Hi, I am an historian at Furth and try to document the history of flying here at Monteith Barracks. I hope, that someone can help me. Thank you!
| Jack �Beetle� Bailey CDR, USNR, e-mail, 06.11.2017 01:27 I came to the Whispering Death as a W-1 in �68 and left it as a Cpt in �72 with just over 2000 hours in the bird. 3 pieces of tail were the most memorable, sometimes boring and occasionally totally breathtaking and terrifying military flying I did in almost 4900 military hours in 2 services. As the only Master Army Aviator in the US Navy, I found it a real challenge to explain to a bunch of anchor clankers what we did in the Mohawk, but it was with great pride that I spread the legend of the Mighty Mohawk far and wide. I�ve seen several names I have served with while flying the Mohawk and I�d like to see more to know you are still around. It is still a great airplane and salute to all who flew in it. A PS: As of 17:00/Nov 5,, 2017, we are about to lose one of our own from the 73rd. Phil Nussbaum is in nonresponsive hospice in San Diego. Blue Skies and tailwinds to all Gone West.
| Scott McBroom, e-mail, 19.10.2017 07:51 Scott McBroom, Contact info.
| Scott McBroom, e-mail, 19.10.2017 07:47 My father, John W. McBroom was a Mohawk pilot in Vietnam. I am looking to connect with anyone that had served with him. I am trying to put together a solid timeline, locations, experiences ect., of his time there with the men he flew with and worked with.
| Floyd Kohman, e-mail, 04.08.2017 04:46 Was at Tuy Hoa in 71 . Seen lots of Mohawks taking off and landing . They were great to see and be around. I was in the 225 th. SAC. Worked with Larry Moody in the shop
| Floyd Kohman, e-mail, 04.08.2017 04:36 Was at Tuy Hoa in 71 . Seen lots of Mohawks taking off and landing . They were great to see and be around. I was in the 225 th. SAC.
| James Fulwood, e-mail, 06.06.2017 04:29 73rd Av Co 10/69 10/70. 11/70 73 293rd Ft Hood Tx.
SSG 17L40
IR Red Haze Plt Sg
I reported to Ops in Oct 69, the day Lt white was shot down.
New years day 1 man crew returned from a photo shoot, all shot up. The last time I saw the ac it was still in the bone yard.
Survived the move from Vung Tau in early 70.
Long Thon was an unpleasant location.
Cpt John McBroom was the Plt Ldr, what a leader.
WO Wilson survived a prop strike.
WO Williams was a pain, lol I could have died that day, as a TO.
During a flight near the boarder close to the Angles Wing I observed a line of head lights headed south. Looked to be a 100 vehicles.
It wasn't until I read declassified material I understood who we were working for, it wasn't the US Army LOL
Didn't participate but while at Foot Hood personel of the 293rd set an altitude record, codified the survival gear, established safety markings and participated in dropping listening devices (which proved to be difficult to find afterwards)
I have blanked out most of that time. Wish I could remember more names.
Fb James C Fulwood OKC
| John Dunkelburg, e-mail, 23.04.2017 07:00 In part, I grew up in the Mohawk community when my dad was assigned to a Mohawk unit up at Ft Wainwright, AK back in the late 70s. I thought the plane looked strange yet cool in spite of it.
| Mark Hallert, e-mail, 20.01.2017 00:52 Photo lab tech at Marble Mountain for a year. Just as I extended the 245th shut down. Was transfered to Long Than and ended up in the "Dirty Thirty" area. If you know what that means, i'd love to hear from you. 15 years later, saw a Hawk fly overhead in the mountains SE of Eugene, OR. I heard it first and just fell to the ground, what a sight it was.
| Michele Shanklin, e-mail, 19.08.2016 12:05 My Dad was a Mohawk Pilot in Vietnam. I was 5 years old at the time. Years later I found out that he was flying recon, and had a photographer next to him. This was in December 1967. The plane was hit and the photographer was hit. My Dad told me that everything inside the aircraft shattered. He made it back and I'm guessing the photographer made it. I have the cockpit armor plate sitting next to me as I type, with the hole blown through it. Written on it says, "Cockpit Armor Plate from OV-1C 62-2714. Hit with 50 Cal. while being flown by L/Col Glenn W. Lewis while on recon of Ashau Valley, Viet Nam. The 20th of December 1967."
| Floyd Kohman, e-mail, 31.05.2016 00:28 Was with the 225 th Avn. Company in Tuy Hoa , Vietnam Nam in 1971. We had a great CO and lot of good pilots.Happy Memorial Day !!!
| ed bruce, e-mail, 29.01.2016 02:01 I was stationed at Fliegerhorst 1973-75. I was in the 122 maint co a. We always watched the Hawks they were a nice aircraft. Always wanted to fly in one but never did. They cane and went every day, taking photos i think.
| Marshall G. Wiles, e-mail, 19.08.2015 17:39 Ft Huachuca AZ., 1970 thru 1973. I arrived as a student for a 12 week school and upon competition I my entire class of 3 year RA, was kept as instructors. I attempted to have my orders changed to Vietnam but that was not possible as my entire class of RA's was kept. I taught Air Navigation both Doppler and Inertia Navigation, Water Survival, Ejection Seat Training as well as Map Reading. I received orders 3 times for Vietnam but our school commander said "you are not going" so I spent my entire three year tour at Ft. Huachuca, under the command of SFC Anspaugh and Capt. David Horton. Does any remember Capt Horton, I have been looking for him for years with no success?
| Frank baker, e-mail, 30.04.2015 07:21 Served at ft. Huachuca, with many Mohawks! Worked on avionics, and aerial photography systems for almost three years. From 1971 to 1974. Anybody else? Would be glad to hear from anyone!
| Al Rock, e-mail, 31.01.2015 07:40 I was an IR repairman with the 245th and 131st Spud. Also went to Udorn supporting Air America. Captain Audibert was my favorite pilot. He would knock on my door and ask if I had any systems to test. We seen a number of beautiful places together. Thank you, Captain.
| Floyd, e-mail, 20.12.2014 06:47 I was in the 225 TH SAC at Tuy Hoa Viet Nam 1971 working in the motor pool. Met a lot of real nice guys
| Patrick Willard, e-mail, 05.12.2014 22:40 I wasn't actually a Mohawk guy, I was a 68B aircraft engine mechanic. In AIT a classmate asked an instructor about Mohawks and he said Don't worry about Mohawks, you could spend 20 years in the Army and probably never see one. A couple months later I landed at the 73RD in Stuttgart. Spent 3 1/2 years in the engine shop there 83-86. Feel pretty lucky. Worked on a few other aircraft after I got out and got my A&P but the Mohawk will always be my favorite. Luckily, thanks to facebook I've been able to reconnect with many of my buddies from back then.
| Brenda Curkendall, e-mail, 17.11.2014 21:22 Here's a pic of my Mohawk Class 1978, including Russ Vaughn top right! Check out Facebook OV-1D/RV-1D Mohawk Personnel
| Brenda (Blatt) Curkendall, e-mail, 13.11.2014 11:22 I flew Mohawks from 1978-1981, Ft Hood, TX. I was the Army's first female Mohawk pilot. It was a wonderful airplane and made everything else after it come up lacking. Also flew aerial surveillance in Korea, but not the Mohawk. My husband is Chris Curkendall, also a Mohawk pilot. Hi Russ Vaughn and all! Happy belated Veterans Day!
| Ron DeCola, e-mail, 16.09.2014 15:39 I was an air traffic controller stationed at the Hanau Army Airfield (Fliegerhorst Kaserne) from 1974-1976. There, we worked the Mohhawks (call sign "Hawk") all hours of the night and day. Seeing them fly never got old!
| Gary W. Phillips, e-mail, 01.09.2014 12:07 T.O. Phillips. Ejected in January 1974 near Hanau. Hell-o Gary Gary Prosser and I did a camera gig at Edwards airforce base together from the 184th in Ft. Lewis. Served in Germany together as well. He the Driver me the T.O.Hows things? Old friend
| Joseph Mace, e-mail, 02.06.2014 06:10 Know a guy named Joseph S. Gans from Hazelton, PA who was recently stated in the local paper that he flew over 25,000 hours in a Mohawk in Vietnam in1972. He is in the Hazelton paper this week as having been shot down behind enemy lines in his F4 Phantom. Any stolen valor here? Can anyone bone Fide him for the rest of we Veterans?
| Steve Huben, e-mail, 29.05.2014 13:55 I'm a pre-Viet Nam Army veteran and novelist writing about the Mohawk. I am unable to find out what the crew complement was. Can anyone tell me how many people in the crew, how many pilots and what everybody did? Many thanks. S
| Larry Hower, e-mail, 09.04.2014 16:41 I was in Phu Bai with the 131st for two tours and with the 122nd, in Hanau, for two years flying Hawks. It was a fantastic experience and I really enjoy the reunions with my Mohawk Association buddies.
| steven digangi, e-mail, 14.07.2013 01:50 i was a t.o. with the 131st avn in phu bia vietnam 1967-1968.
| Ron Peters (CW4 RET), e-mail, 06.05.2013 04:43 After Army discharge in '70 I joined the ORARNG in '72 and in '73 began my love affair with the OV-1 as a mechanic/crew chief. After 19 years with that lovely lady I was a CW3 Maintenance Test Pilot Evaluator and aircraft inspector (technician). Flying the OV-1D was a dream come true. I miss that Lady! I'm signed in (the Stuart guest book)as a SGT and later (several years) as a CW2. Great times and fond memories.
| Roy Sheffer- Ghost 62, e-mail, 03.04.2013 22:27 Great bird, but it really was all about the folks that made it so very special. It took all of us to make it happen and what a ride it was. All of my time was spent in the maintenance of the aircraft and I couldn't ask for better memories. Best to all.
| Larry McKinnon, e-mail, 25.03.2013 17:29 In 1969-1970 I was a crew chief with the 245th SAC (Avn. Co.)Marble Mtn DaNang and the company disbanded and I went to 225th, after a year of service in country got stationed at Ft. Lewis Washington 184th Maint. I had some of the best memories of my life, good luck to all and my God bless.
| Stan Bloom, e-mail, 25.02.2013 00:25 I was at Ft Campbell Ky. When I saw my 1st mohawk. I just started �my 51st year of being a MOHAWKER. I was assigned to the ASTA platoon at Ft. Richardson Alaska in Oct. 1962. Jerry Townsend was my toon sgt and as they hadn't�gotten any TO s He ask me and Bob Streval if we would fly camera missions. We were on flight status but only as non-crew members. I flew missions till 1967 when they wouldn't let me extend any more in Alaska. The herby singer and Motorola tech reps taught us to operate the SLAR and IR system. After leaving Alaska I spent a year at Ft. Ord CA. I reenlisted for Vietnam with TO school enroute in 68" And was �assigned to the 245th after graduating. From there I went to Ft Huchuca to the Ir branch and in 71 to the 184th for training and then to the 131st at Phu Bai . We took the D model to vietnam Where I had my best Plt Leader the Round Ranger. After Vietnam I returnd to my same job asir suspecting chief In 76 I finally got orders back to Alaska. The ASTA plt had moved to Ft Wainwright. I reported in and flew for a year when they converted to D models and I took over as 1st Sgt. Capt Jim Sewell was the commander and Mike McClendon took over from him. McCledon Nc Conquest crashed in 78 �In 79 the unit got notified that they were moving to Savannah Ga. As I never planned on leaving Alaska I put in my papers and retired on Mar 79. �I have some of my videos on utube just search for my name or oldestTO. Cheers Stan Bloom at 75 years old.
| Todd Hill, e-mail, 11.12.2012 23:47 Anybody in touch with Trollinger or Russell - Crewchiefs from 89-92?
| David Mates, e-mail, 25.11.2012 16:48 I earned my T.O. wings at Hauchuca in 1966. First assigned to 26th Arty, ASTA in Darmstatdt, Germany, until unit was disbanded later that year. Arrived in Nam December, 1966, assigned to 1st Cav Division, 11th Avn Co., ASTA. Had the pleasure of working with some great men while there - Majors WEBB, TAYLOR, MCCASKEY (KIA), LEWISs, Captains ULBINSKY, HOOK, OSBORNE, PETESCH, DEITRICH, MCKEITHAN,and CWO HUNTSMAN. A long list of T.O.'s as well. Some of my classmates and great friend listed here - Bobby Pittman (KIA), Harold Wilson (KIA), Jimmy Stoberl (KIA), Tim Bright, Bobby Bragg, Jerry Shirley and Kenny Coe. Flew over 100 combat missions and countless ' check rides '. Never kept track of hours but it doesn't take much for me to smell the mixture or sweat in the cockpit and JP-4 coming together. The men, the aircraft and the experiences provide some of the best memories of my life.
| Montie Soderquist (SP4), e-mail, 05.09.2012 06:29 I was the Non-Expendable Supply Clerk with the 131st MI Co in Fort Hood from August 1975 to November 1977. I never got to ride in a Mohawk, but I got to spend a lot of time guarding them. I'd love to hear from anyone who served with the 131st at the same time I was there.
| Carl Selfe, e-mail, 11.08.2012 16:32 Originally part of the first Fixed Wing Instructor Group moved from Ft. Sill to Camp Rucker, Alabama, my dad, LTC (Ret.) John K. Selfe was the Army's chief test pilot for the OV-1 while assigned to TATSA at then Fort Rucker. After this assignment, he moved into logistics support and took the OV-1 into Europe (7th Army) to set up the supply chain for that and the UH-1. He did air shows and accident investigations., and retired in 1971. He is in Dothan, Alabama today and his email is
| vito gigante, e-mail, 10.07.2012 17:20 wow is very greate done and very excitments to mr thomas olney that would be greate
| Eugene Walsh USA (Ret), e-mail, 26.06.2012 15:30 When assigned to the Aviation Test Board at Ft. Rucker, Alabama, went through the first factory checkout in 1960 at Grumman in Bethpage, LI NY. Accrued over 2,000 hours since serving in operational units, as Deputy Program Manager, and terminating assignment as Plant Commander in Stuart,Florida producing the OV-D. Flew the OV1-A,B,C,D,E, and was at the retirement ceremonies of the Mohawk at Ft. Hood. To show how many had flown this bird, at the retirement ceremonies at Ft.Hood, the Unit A/C were lined up so people could look at them. I spotted one that I had flown and when I introduced myself to the young pilot standing in front of that A/C, I commented about my having flown that bird and his reply was "MAYBE YOU KNEW MY GRANDFATHER"
| Jeff Warden, e-mail, 09.05.2012 18:29 Large part of my "greatest" life experiences was being a T.O. on this great OV-1 Mohawk. Started out in the Oregon Army National Guard in the 641st MIBN 1984. Did a couple of "REDTRAIN" (2 Month) tours to the 3rd MIBN in Camp Humphreys Korea. Went active duty in 1988, assigned to the 15th MIBN in Ft. Hood, TX. While stationed there, got to fly missions out of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Completed overwater survival school in Homestead AFB in Florida, & flew missions in Desert Shield/Storm out of King Fahd(sp?) Royal Air Force Base in Saudi Arabia from Sep. 90 to Apr. 91. Every place I got to fly in the Mohawk was a great experience. The people were always cool and so was this plane.
| Jeff Grage, e-mail, 26.02.2012 16:08 I was a Crew Chief on the Mohawk during the Pubelo Incident. 67H20
| Boldon, e-mail, 13.01.2012 04:06 it was long thon north
| Ronnie Boldon, e-mail, 13.01.2012 04:03 The 73RD sac was a great bunch of officers and enlisted men. I was with them at vung-tau and long bin north.I worked the photo lab and pol on the flight line.
| Robert Dudek, e-mail, 12.01.2012 22:34 After RVN, 138th Avn Co,DaNang, I went to Ft Huachuca, USAEWS.Worked under MSG Gratchner to maintain OV1 B/C/D SLAR, IR, Camera and Avionics. Flew with Cpt RAT (Roger A. Theil), Mr Bustimonti, Col Carlise, Mr Buchanan and Cpt Walters. Helped 131st at Phu Bai to maintain gear. Retired as a CWO. Work at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Loved flying in the OV-1.
| DJ miller, e-mail, 28.12.2011 07:55 Great plan never had a bad mission. Thank you for the memories.
| Michael (Frog) Hawe, e-mail, 20.10.2011 08:59 Flew as SLAR T.O. with the 245th SAC (Avn. Co.)Marble Mtn, RVN. 1968-1970. Truly a privelege to have been assigned with such extraordinary people. Pilots who worked with you one on one, crewchiefs that guided your aircraft out of revetments during mortar attacks, electronics technicians that kept us flying. Nothing like it elsewhere; again, a rare privelege. Thanks.
| thom roy, e-mail, 30.09.2011 09:25 225th and later Hanau Germany. 35M, 35N and 26M. test flights--loved looking down out the canopt. beautiful. quit too soon but also too late, feel free to writr me.
| ALEJANDRO SLAS G., e-mail, 13.09.2011 07:32 Iam modeler.what colors has low visibility in this plane
| jimholloway, e-mail, 12.08.2011 22:47 I-WITH-245SAC-IN-VIET-NAM-69-70-OV-1-LOVEM
| Vince DiLoreto, e-mail, 04.08.2011 17:47 I was with the 225th Avn. Co in Nam from June 1968 through June 1969. I was an aircraft electrician, and I gotta tell ya, it was one hell of an airplane!
| Vince DiLoreto, e-mail, 04.08.2011 17:46 I was with the 225th Avn. Co in Nam from June 1968 through June 1969. I was an aircraft electrician, and I gotta tell ya, it was one hell of an airplane!
| Scott Boyd, e-mail, 22.07.2011 04:23 I got to sit in one for a while. We were on a search in Colorado and two of them came into Eagle County, outside of Vail. Nice long runway but they were showing off and one of them blew a nose tire.
A long way from the Bird-dog I was flying, thought the stick looked familiar though. From the looks of it and talking to the crews it was fast and more then maneuverable. I think they had a side scanning camera or something.
By the time I got back they were gone and it was getting pretty dark.
| michael frushell, e-mail, 05.05.2011 18:52 Hi guys I was with 245th Marble mt. 131st Phu Bai and 282 helicoper company Marble mt. in 1968 - 69 love to hear from any guys from that time.
| Bob Beckmann, e-mail, 26.03.2011 17:00 I started as a Tool Designer at Grumman in 1959. My first assignment was to incorporate all changes to the assembly dwg of the outer wing panel assembly fixture as the tool shop built the tool. I can still remember the first OV-1 flight taking off from the Grumman Bethpage, NY runway!
| Frank Bunner, e-mail, 22.03.2011 17:41 I flew in the Mohawk as a SLAR operater out of Furth, Germany 1964-65 (504th aviation). I loved the the airship and have alot of fond and unusual memories of those days in the U.S. Army.
| Butch Enloe, e-mail, 06.03.2011 03:18 i worked on mohawks in tuy hoa in 1967. loved the plane, also flew in it a few times. would like to see more about it. and also tuy hoa army air base.
| Kenneth Coe, e-mail, 01.03.2011 16:40 I was crew chief on OV-1 Mohawk 59-2634 in 1666-1967 with the 11th Gen. Sup. Avn. co. 1st Cav. Div. ( Airmobile )at Ankhe South Vietnam. So Many great TOs, Piolots, and maintence people I had the privilege to work with. She was a phenomal aircraft. 59-2634 crashed I think in 68 or 69 around Phu Bai with the 131st Avn. Co. Both Pilot and T) were KIA. Welcome home ALL my Brothers. Kenny Coe
| Matt Bloom, e-mail, 18.02.2011 22:33 I became a TO (Technical Observer) in 1988 after AIT at Ft. Huachuca. It was awesome! I was in the National Guard at the 641st MI BN and was with the program until the Mohawk was decommissioned in 1993.
| Douglas Anderson, e-mail, 10.02.2011 05:43 Was an IR operator in the mohawk at ft cambell in 63 , only flew with with the bird for 6 mo. , was a short timer , a US , first time up the hydrlic line broke & we came in hot , nice that the crew cheif had filled the air tank so the gear would go down , flying at night off cow pastures made life a bit interesting , always brought us home , never had to use the ejection seat , still remeber how to tho , took my son to Tucson where there is one on display .
| Jim Edwards, e-mail, 27.01.2011 20:37 I was stationed at Bhin Tuy, a VNAF Base located at Can Tho, SEA in '69-'70 as an air traffic controller at Paddy Control (USAF). we did a lot of work with the Army directing pilots around known artillery fire. Worked with Mohawk pilots and was fortunate enough to hitch a ride with an Army Captain one day out of the base up around the "parrots beak"...A most incredible flight and one of the many fond memories of my tour of duty in Viet Nam..Thank you to the Army Captain who took me up that day.
| Kevin (kevo) Oconnor, e-mail, 19.12.2010 03:06 Screwchief..78-80 Edwards AFB Test Facility, we had some fun/odd toys.. T-28B, YA03 and new kids C-12 & Black Hawks.. my favorite The Mohawk! the best dam job of my life! I love the Mohawk the people, the work, and most of all.. that all indearing sweet touch of two mains and nose locked and down...spin back, feather, and taxi to the hanger, great days.. Then on to 73rd CBTI Germany to finish out my Mohawk career as "king of the tool room" (chit!) I still work for the Army as a DOD Civy but theres something about Mohawks that gets in your blood, and after 30 years I still find time to sack a lunch, go over to the D model on display (Hunter AAF) plant my ass under her wing and just for that's sweet..! for Sp-4 Gordy Brown, CW2 Roger Theil God keep you.. always in my thoughts (Oct/81-Germany) and those who are still here get in-touch!!! alt Kevo.. Savannah Ga..
| Kenneth Goins, e-mail, 03.12.2010 16:35 I flew the Mohawk from 1989-1994 in Korea, Ft. Hood, Desert Shield/Storm and Wiesbaden Germany. Worked with some of the finest people i've ever met. God Bless them all. Loved the airplane!
| stephen poff, e-mail, 01.12.2010 16:23 I was a T.O. with the 73rd avn co in vung tau, vietnam from apr 67 to apr 68. To be drafted and got this job I couldnt have wanted more. Lots of fun flying every night and it was one fast year.
| Jim Eichelberger, e-mail, 01.12.2010 04:25 T/O 70-71 131st Phu Bai. Bob Curry, A fellow mohawker and partner since day one in the army and I still see each other as much as we can. For all of us that got to fly in this aircraft...what a thrill! For those who knew Jack Brunson and Clinton Musil, they recently recovered their remains in Laos and have honored them with their names added to the wall. To all the Vietnam Vets, welcome home!
| Tom Jones, e-mail, 19.11.2010 18:27 I was an infrared instructor at Huachuca from 1963 until 1965. Please contact me if you were there about this same time. Please pass on any info about other Mohawk events or reunions. Tom
| Tony Costa, e-mail, 16.11.2010 05:36 Was a Grumman flight test plane/captain. Flew from 1960 to end of production on the Mohawk from first flight checks to point of delivery. Many back from Nam for inspection, repairs and Modifications. Lots of flight hours, one of Grummans best aircraft. Was at Pax River and Aberdeen for Mohawk flight tests. Loved working for Grumman.
| Sal Ruggiero, e-mail, 16.11.2010 02:40 Was a plane captain/flight tech. at Grumman from 63-65. There were about 8 of us who maintained and went up with the Hawks on their first flights. It took about 3-4 flights to work out the crabs before being sold to the Army. It was an interesting 3 years.... Great airplane
| Skip Schleicher, e-mail, 11.11.2010 20:01 Happy Veterans Day all! See a lot of old friends names here and wish you all the best.
| Ed Paquette, e-mail, 08.11.2010 04:33 Flew the Mohawk at Ft Campbell first then two tours in Vietnam. It is a wonderful aircraft and it got me home many times during all the combat missions I had in it one tough bird I loved flying it sure do miss it now. The systems sure have progressed to a great level today.
| Bill Falkner, e-mail, 21.10.2010 14:56 I was a mechanic in the 704th midas ASA Camp Humphries, South Korea from October 1978 to october 1979... Anyone else out there? I would love to hear from you.. I have a couple of other contacts from the same time I have kept in touch with over the years.
| Harry Ford, e-mail, 29.09.2010 08:12 Great bird, but it really was all about the folks that made it so very special. It took all of us to make it happen and what a ride it was. All of my time was spent in the maintenance of the aircraft and I couldn't ask for better memories. Best to all.
| Russ Vaughn, e-mail, 23.09.2010 03:06 I was a Mowhawk flight instructor from 1977=1982 and must say it was a great aircraft, especially if you had airspeed, airspeed & airspeed. I had the first female student to get Mohawk qualified.
| VERN P. JONES (SP5), e-mail, 09.09.2010 17:12 I was a SLAR tech stationed in RVN at 225th SAC at Phu Hiep/Tuy Hoa from July 70 to Aug 71. I was fortunate enough to make quite a few missions with great pilots like CAPT COOK. (OV-1B) Loved the Mohawk and still think it was a fantastic airplane. I completed my 27 years of military service in the USCG as a CWO3 ELC WARRANT OFFICER. (electronic's officer). I'd love to hear from anyone stationed with me from the 225th SAC or later back at FT. Huachuca. Mohawker's are forever.
| Kurt Olney, e-mail, 21.08.2010 11:56 Attached to the 73rd in Vietnam 1970-71 at LTN was the Army-Lockheed YO-3A platoon. All of our YO-3A TOs were Mohawk trained sensor operators. I will be keynote speaker at Mohawk reunion Sept 11. Don't miss it!!!!
| Semu Siologa, e-mail, 12.08.2010 04:36 I was a tech supply sgt for 704mi change to 146asa from 1978 to 1980 in pyontaek supporting the Mohawk/U-21s. My supply shop was a quanson bldg standing alone in the middle of the flight line. My boss was a great cw4 pilot name Mr. Fuller from Arkansa. I remembered you Arthur Mccoy, you taught me how to shift the gears/drive the 2-1/2 fuel truck without pressing the clucth pedal. Email me anyone, great memories.
| Rich Westlake, e-mail, 24.07.2010 03:00 Flew with the 244th in 1967-68. Saw many names from the Mohawk Association, so wanted to respond. The B-17 had been my favorite until strapping into an OV-1 in Ft. Huachuca in January 1967. Great airplane!!!
|, 26.06.2010 02:34 You're not all dead are you?
| Dave suter, e-mail, 26.06.2010 02:14 Had tons of good times wishi could reunite with old friend some how
| robert Tink, e-mail, 24.05.2010 09:38 I was at Special Forces A-235 Nhon co (II corp - near Duc Lap) and received some intel via "red Haze" IR photos - was that from you guys? Good stuff, only problem was the typical buerocracy got in the way, so by the time we got it, was already 2-3 days old. rt
| Gary Prosser, e-mail, 10.05.2010 19:26 What an honor to fly with some of you. 'Thanks Grumman for a truly GREAT bird, and so are the men who flew with us and maintained the 'Hawk. 'Got no bullet holes in spite of being at the wrong place at the wrong time in reference to SAMs a couple of times ( where it was discovered that a well-motivated OV-1 can exceed the allowable indicated speed of a 747 ), MiGs called south of us a few times, lots of AAA over Laos, even a green air-to-air Soviet marking rocket near Fulda Gap later on, all with never a scratch - thank you , Good Lord, Grumman, and you.
| Bobby Pittman's Sister, e-mail, 09.05.2010 01:53 Anyone know Bobby Pittman who was a TO (Technical Observer), who was flying with Jimmy Mac Brasher in 1966 in a Mohawk OV-1B? They disappeared on their last mission, though no trace was found of their plane or them. They headed seaward after being told that a SAM had been launched, and Roy Thornton, a pilot flying as Tally-Ho flew to area last seen on radar to do low altitude search. Unable to find any trace, so for the last 44 years Bobby and Jimmy Mac are still part of the unaccounted list. Is there anyone out there who cares?
| Bob Geisert, e-mail, 07.05.2010 21:58 Flew right seat out of Danang, Octbober 68 to October 69 in a SLAR and camera ship.
| Brandon, e-mail, 04.05.2010 23:35 My grandpop flew Mohawks in Vietnam and during the cuban missile crisis. Wish i woulda asked him what it was like. R.I.P. Lt. Col Rick Manieri.....ill always miss you.
| Bobby Pittman's Sister, e-mail, 29.04.2010 02:51 Jerry Shirley..would you contact me about Bobby Pittman? I am his sister.
| Pat Finnerty, e-mail, 26.04.2010 16:47 Mohawk Crew Chief (67H-B7) from 86-91. With 3rd MI in Korea and 15th MI at Ft. Hood & Desert Storm. Spent time on the flightline, on phase team and in the seat shop. This is a great bird, and Mohawkers were a great family. Wish you all the best.
| Keith M. Towler, e-mail, 23.04.2010 20:08 My Pop, John H. Towler, Capt. Retired U.S. Army, flew Mohawks in a lot of places. Taught many men how to fly them with respect. My contribution to the Mohawk's legacy is in being THE Mohawk Illustrator for the OV-1 Mohawk Association. Funny, I was born in June 1959, the same year as the Mohawk.
| Jessie Braudaway, e-mail, 10.03.2010 20:19 Flew the Mohawk in Vietnam (244th), Germany and Ft Hood. One of three pilots for the first two OV-1 Quicklook aircraft R&D testing in Germany and Ft. Hood.
| arthur mccoy, e-mail, 03.03.2010 19:22 oh got to go on a test flight once way cool cpt novak was the pilot i think?
| arthur mccoy, e-mail, 03.03.2010 19:18 worked in the 146th/3rd mi from feb 76 to sep 80 worked on ru21 guardrail 4 and 5. but got to work on hawks for about 2 months as an engine mech helped qec about 6 engines kept getting chip lights reduction gear in nose coming apart. busy busy anyway great times still in korea would like to hear from some of the people i worked with if there here. later
| Pat Woelfel, e-mail, 24.02.2010 01:47 I was a mechanic on the mohawk from 1990 to 1995. We closed down Wiesbaden, Ge. And then Ft. Huachuca, AZ. I was sad to see the day the army retired the aircraft. Loved the job and the airplane. God Bless to all who flew and maintained her!
| Earl Mundy, e-mail, 21.02.2010 00:21 During my time in the US Army I was stationed at Grumman's assembly plant in Stuart, FL arriving in mid 1968. I worked on the OV-1D production aircraft and flew on a lot of production acceptance flights. It was a privelege to have been able to make a contribution to this great aircraft program.
| Thomas Goodale, e-mail, 15.02.2010 16:28 I was TO Red Haze unit at 73rd SAC 1967 1968. Great memories of a great aircraft.
| Chuck Chauvin, e-mail, 05.02.2010 03:38 I am member #4 of the OV-1 Mohawk Association. I can thank my spouse(Linda) for encouraging me to attend the first organizational meeting. In the Army for 7 & 1/2 years, I flew in Vietnam and on the Ho Chi Minh Trail(Laos) in '66-'67. Retired from Delta Air Lines. The Mohawkers are an awsome bunch. c
| Winfield (Wynn) Williams, e-mail, 23.01.2010 10:10 Flew OV-1's in 225th SAC in RVN 1968-69; Germany 1969-72 Excellent aircraft, great friends, and honor to have served.
| Tom Cote, e-mail, 11.01.2010 04:16 I was XO and then CO of the 225th Blackhawks that formed at Ft Lewis,and then departed for Viatnam in May 1967. Was an SIP and IFE flying left and right seat with a few thousand hours in the Mohawk. Wonderful aircraft. I have one of the Mohawk Models I receive from Gruman Aircraft over my computer desk. The other two I gave to family. members.
| Lorilee Horne (Cuvillier), e-mail, 07.01.2010 19:23 I flew in the Hawk from 1988-1993. I went with her from Desert Storm to the border in Korea all the way down to the Bahamas chasing drug runners....I had a blast. I always thought it was the best kept secret the army ever had. Miss the bird, but I have wonderful memories.
| Roy Jackson, e-mail, 31.12.2009 19:50 I had the privilege of riding in right seat of this aircraft in an Army aircraft demonstration at Ft. Sill, OK in 1962. I was battery commander of the Headquarters Battery, 41st Artillery Group and at that time a private pilot. A pilot named Lt. Jay Bisbee was assigned to our unit, flew the Mohawk and knew I loved to fly. The thrill of a high speed pass at about 200 feet was a thrill I'll never forget. Jay if you tune in to this site, I would love to hear from you.
| Bud Whitlock, e-mail, 11.12.2009 21:16 I was mos 672.20 at Ft Benning in 1964-65.I was in the 11th Air Assualt Div. If there is anyone that was in the the same company (Co.C 226) I would like to hear from them.
Bud Whitlock
| Dick Wolfe, e-mail, 10.12.2009 03:29 I have 4,000 hrs in the left seat of this aircraft. This is a great machine. 245th, 131st, and the Oregon Nat'l Guard
| Tony Chapa, e-mail, 09.12.2009 02:58 I flew most fixed-wing airplanes in the inventory from 1961 to 1980. Flew the Mohawk at Fort Campbell, Vietnam, Fort Rucker and Fort Huachuca. The Mohawk was and continues to be my favorite. Today I enjoy being a member of the OV-1 Mohawk Association - Great bunch of guys!
| Michael Mills, e-mail, 02.12.2009 23:20 A friend sent me this link and my first thought was, "I wonder if they'll have an OV-1 ... probably not..." What a pleasant surprise! I flew the D-model at Ft. Lewis from Jan 71 till March 72. Then with the 6th Aviation Platoon, 55th Aviation CO in Korea (B-models). Of all the aircraft I've ever flown, the OV-1 was and remains my first love.
| Dave suter (tiki) anyone in17/, e-mail, 21.10.2009 19:51 Looking for anyone (17-l20 mos. Then on to Germany SLAT platoon fliegerhorst kaserne 1971-1975 also image int
| Chris walker, e-mail, 14.10.2009 20:21 Hi chris Dave suter just saying hi. Flew with you in Germany when you were my platoo officer. No email address yet. Phone 16302125902
| Terry Carlson, e-mail, 08.10.2009 08:37 I was an II with the 225th SAC at Phu Hiep/Tuy Hoa from July 69 to July 71. I was fortunate enough to quite a few missions with great pilots. Loved the Mohawk and still think it was a fantastic airplane.
| Ronnie Daniel Del Llano, e-mail, 03.10.2009 21:31 I was crewchief on Hawk 13, 73rd SAC late 67 to early 69
| John Bosch, e-mail, 07.09.2009 04:24 I was a TO assigned to the SLAR platoon with the 73rd SAC at Long Than North Viet Nam 1970 -71. I can honestly say they were the most exciting days of my life. I flew with guys like Major Ivan Waggoner, WO Mark Wilson, Captian Frank Mann, 2nd Lt. Rick Grinstat, Spc4 Danny Lefleur, Spc4 Benard Denoir, Spc4 Ron Austin, Spc4 Ron Davis and Spc4 Cal Calloway who had to punch out at night and live to talk about it.
| Dave Olney, e-mail, 20.08.2009 01:32 "Eagles don't flock; you have to find them one at a time."
That was the motto over Ross Perot's office door and referred to the people he sought as employees of EDS. Mohawkers are a lot like eagles...hard to find.
The OV-1 Mohawk Association is open to anyone who had anything to do with the Mohawk aircraft or just likes the airplane. Unlike other organizations, we welcome you regardless of your rank, MOS, or age. We have a great Association. If you are interested in becoming a member, check out the web site: or contact Steve Askew, our Membership Director: Dues are a reasonable $35/year. Our 17th Reunion will be held in Nashville, TN from 24-27 September 2009. The Reunions are a great way to connect with old friends and make new ones. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Go to the web site, sign-up and join us for three days of fun and comraderie.
I hope to see all of you in Nashville. Dave Olney Exec. Dir. 480.963.4045
| Jerry Shirley, e-mail, 07.08.2009 08:47 I flew as a TO out of Hue Phu Bai with the 131at. July 66 to April 67. I see one of my old crew mates Bobby Bragg listed here. I was also with the 1st Div. with Tim Bright (also listed) for about 4 months. April 66 to July 66. After 300+ hours I can tell you the seat was hard and usually very hot. I can remember many nights in the middle of the flight climbing out to 10,000 feet to cool off. I also remember the smoke from burning of the rice fields being so thick that our clothes smelled like smoke. The last fight at night was the best. Coming home to the sun rise over the ocean was always a joy. Too many times the air field would be fogged in and we would try to land in 100/100 visibility. Lots of good memories. Also sad ones, the loss of good friends. Bobby Pitman and Harold Wilson.
| mugu, e-mail, 30.07.2009 14:35 mister mugu i dey here ohhhh
| Don Wirthlin, e-mail, 01.07.2009 01:01 I entered the Mohawk community Aug 1975, 17L/96H. I was assigned to Ft. Hood at the 131st after riding horses at the 1st Cav Horse Plt. Went to Korea, 6th Aerial Plt/704th MIDAS (77/78), Got out of the Army and went to the 1041st MI Oregon Guard. Re-entered the Army and went back to Korea, 146th ASA (79/80). Then off to Ft. Huachuca as an instructor/writer, (80/85). Then my last Mohawk assignment was with the 1st AEB Wiesbaden as a SFC, (85/87). Then I went to flight school and flew the EH-60 Quickfix until I retired Aug 96. I was at Huachuca as an instructor during the OV-1 retirement ceremony.
| Bob Bragg, e-mail, 01.06.2009 21:24 I flew as to with 20ASTA/131st out of phu bai1966 to 1967
| Dave Olney, e-mail, 11.04.2009 19:21 New Association Web Site: The Portland Reunion was great! We had a large turnout. Our next Reunion is in Nashville, TN from 23-27 Sep 2009 @ the Sheraton Music City. Accommodations are first rate and room rates are very reasonable. Many activities are planned. Early registration is encouraged. This promises to be one of the best Reunions ever. Hope to see you all there!
| Reggie Audibert Redeye 3, e-mail, 11.03.2009 18:43 Mohawk pilot with 245th at Marble Mountain Sep 69 - Jun 70 -- finished my RVN tour as a SPUD. Loved the machine and really enjoyed the folks I worked with. Would love to hear from guys in my flight class. Anyone know how I can contact Rick Nelson -- 73rd in Vung Tao 69-70? Best regards, y'all
| Lucious E.Brown, e-mail, 23.02.2009 00:49 I had the privilege to work on this aircraft numerous occasions.I enjoyed the experience.First time in Korea,45thTrans Co.G/S outfit. Then again at the 131stM.I.,West Ft.Hood,TX. My job description being a propellor repairman from 1973 to 1975.One ride and I was hooked!
| Art McRoberts, e-mail, 17.01.2009 21:36 I was an II WO with the 73rd SAC 1971-? Cant remember when we had to shut the 73rd down. Got sent up to the 131st and help shut it down to in 1972.
| Jean A Lane, e-mail, 14.01.2009 22:16 I worked on Mohawks at Ft Lewis Wa,245th then the 131stin nam67-68 maint sgt returned to Ft Lewis trained on first ov-1dat stuart Fl then to ASTA plt 12AVN.Co Ft Wainwright Ak Loved flying righteverytime I could welcome home nam vets spudnut
| Tim Bright, e-mail, 05.01.2009 22:29 I flew as a T.O. for over 500 hrs. out of Phu Loi from 1966 to 1967 in the OV-1 C. 'HAWK' 32 is currently on display at the Pima Air Musem in Tucson, Az. After my tour I was assigned as an instructor at Fort Huachuca. Would like to hear from some of my old buddies.
| Roger K. Lowry, e-mail, 27.12.2008 04:42 I was a crewchief on the OV-1 Mohawk with the 245th at Marble mountain from Dec'69-Jun'70, and then with the 73rd at Long Thanh North from Jun'70 to Jan'72. Also a crew chief on the C-130 with the Missouri Air National Guard from Jan'83-Oct'02. They were both great aircraft.
| joseph s sowa, e-mail, 08.12.2008 01:40 I flew mohawks in veitnam mostly visal recon and pohto missions,made three emergency landings,never failed to bring us back homesafely,great bird!
| Rod Anderson, e-mail, 30.10.2008 02:15 I flew the Mohawk in Nam with the 245th SAC in 1968 and the 73rd SAC in 1971. Great airplane and my finest memories as a pilot. Also flew one from Ft. Lewis to Camp Drum NY and Ft. Lee VA to air shows. Managed a stop in South Dakota to visit parents. Great way to see the country.
| John Towler, e-mail, 08.09.2008 23:30 Ov-1 pilot class, April 1964. I was with the 4th ASTA that formed,Ft.Bragg, July 1964. The 4th ASTA was the first IR and Slar aircraft to deploy to Viet Nam. We had two OV-1B's and four OV-1C's. Great airplane loved every min of flying that great airplane. Some people bad mouthed the airplane, "airplanes do not kill pilots,pilots kill pilots". I was an IP, Instrument examiner and school trained test pilot.There was nothing wrong with this great airplane
| David "Butch" Preddy, e-mail, 28.08.2008 20:32 Most of my 23 years of military were fixed wing. From 01 Bird Dog to C-45. Enjoyed more being with Mohawks. Maint Suprv & T.I. 1978-87 w/15th MI,Ft Hood, and 87-88, Maint Sprv & 1SG, w/3d MI Camp Humphreys, Korea. Flew with a group over the Alantic deliery to Korea and Germany Units. Lost one in Pakistan on the way. Wow, what a bird.
| Gary Todd, e-mail, 16.08.2008 06:01 I flew as T.O. from March 1967 until September 1968 . Shiped out to R.V.M. in Oct. 1967 with the 245th then was transferd to the 225th. I flew Slar missions for the 245th and Infra Red and Foto for the 225th . Never flew in bad Hawk . Got to meet a lot of good people in short time .
| Tony Weisbecker, e-mail, 13.06.2008 20:25 P.S. Word has it some ambitious fellows in West Palm Beach ,Florida are trying to revive the old girls for commercial use at their local airfield . Thanks again .
| Tony Weisbecker, e-mail, 13.06.2008 03:35 Some of the best years of my life was spent working on the Mohawk (Stuart,Florida).Final assembly at the front of the hangar . Great job ,fresh air and sunshine . Miss it so .Thanks Grumman .
| Vern Reynalds, e-mail, 12.06.2008 15:57 I flew the Mohawk for many years, Viet Nam, Germany and mostly @ Fort Rucker, Alabama, logging over 8000 hrs in that sweet old girl. What a shame taht the DoD and the Army didn't listen to old Gen. Stormin' Norman and keep her in service. I'll miss her until the day I die.
| GIlberto F. Mendoza, e-mail, 03.06.2008 05:58 I flew the Hawk for about 15 years, in Viet Nam, Ft. Hood and Germany. Flew it across the Atlantic three times. I met a great bunch of guys, pilots, TOs and maintenance personnel. No matter what they say, the Hawk could be a forgiving bird, when treated with a healthy respect.
| Steven W. Askew, e-mail, 05.05.2008 19:37 Flew as a T.O. with the 244th Avn Co. Vietnam - 1969-1970. Great aircraft. thanks Steve
| Lawson Bittaker Jr., e-mail, 05.05.2008 09:41 My father was a T.O. in an OV-1C (serial number 61-2698) and was killed at Dobbins AFB in 1978. I happened to notice the black and white picture up above of the four Mohawks, the bottom one (61-7200) is on display at Dobbins currently. I'm sure my fathers (61-2698) is one of the other three in the picture.
| George P. Davis III, e-mail, 03.05.2008 03:36 I started flying the OV-1 Mohawk in 1971, flew the D Models in Vietnam with the 131st until they stood down in October 1972 (then flew Hueys for the Cav for four months). My next assignment was again with the 131st at Fort Hood for three years (73-76). I then commanded the unit in Korea for a year (81-82) that was then A Co 146th MI Bn. I loved flying the aircraft and I loved the mission, but always maintained a healthy respect for her as she would turn on you and hurt you if you weren't always ready. Some of the greatest memories of my life were in the Mohawk and with the people who flew them and those that took care of those of us who did. " A SPUD is Forever"
| Michael P. Tallon, e-mail, 03.05.2008 03:25 I had the pleasure of being a Crewchief and a Maintenance NCO for ten out of twenty years in my Army Aviation career.
| Richard Dearborn, e-mail, 03.05.2008 02:36 I became a TO (Technical Observer) in 1972. I was a Platoon Sgt for the TO's, mechanic and inspector from 1972-1992 in Salem, OR. 1st with the 1042nd MI CO and then the 641st MI BN. I was the inspector on two ferry flights to Camp Humpreys, 1st taking 5 OV-1D's the 2nd 3 OV-1D's. I was awarded a 500 and 1000 hour plaque flying the right seat as a TO. Best, most stable aircraft I have flown in.
| Joe DiMaggio, e-mail, 03.05.2008 00:59 I have the pleasure of being a part of the Mohawk program since 1960. I started with Grumman in 1960 as a flight line technician on the OV-, later became a technical representative in Germany for 4 years, then in Vietnam from 1968 to 1969 as team leader for the SEAMORE program. I later entered the Marketing arena for the company and became the Director for Army Marketing. I remained with the Mohawk until it was retired by the Army in 1996. Prior to that, and since then, I have been a member of the OV-1 Mohawk Association,and the Good Lord willing, will probably be a member till I leave for the Big Hanger in the sky.
| Paul Reed, e-mail, 03.05.2008 00:21 Helped to form the first Mohawk unit in Korea in Fall, 1963. Flew right seat and loved it: our planes had dual sticks. Have loved the beast ever since and spent 5.5 years at the Ex Dir, OV-1 Mohawk Assn. Greatest folks in the world were Mohawkers.
| Dave Olney, e-mail, 02.05.2008 23:11 I flew the Mohawk from 1967 until 1972. I served in the 73 SAC in Vietnam in 1968 - 69 as a pilot, aircraft maintenance officer, and maintenance test pilot. Later I helped to field the OV-1D at Ft. Lewis, WA. The Mohawk was a pleasure to fly day or night or in bad weather. I always had full confidence in the aircraft. Please go to the OV-1 Mohawk Association web site:
| Chris Walker, e-mail, 02.05.2008 22:42 I have more than 2500 hours PIC time in the Mohawk. My ass still hurts just thinking of all the hours I sat on that rock-hard seat. Flew them in 'Nam, Germany and the Georgia Guard. Great performer for an Army aircraft.
| George Coleman, e-mail, 02.05.2008 22:17 I flew the Mohawk from 1970 in Vietnam until 1992 four years before it was retired from service. Check out the OV-1 Mohawk Association's web site at: We also have a bi-monthly newsletter The Mohawker.
| Jerry Douglass, e-mail, 01.05.2008 15:45 Flew the Mohawk in Vietnam. A great aircraft.
Jerry Douglass
| Ken Peters, e-mail, 12.06.2007 10:49 i flew as a T.O. from 1970 to 1990. is the best aircraft i ever flew in. Air force and Navy pilots who got to fly them said they loved it was like real flying.
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