| The XOS2U-1 prototype of this two-seat observation/scout monoplane was delivered to the US Navy in 1938 and the first production OS2U-1 went into service in 1940. Two further and generally similar series, the OS2U-2 and -3, followed - the latter also going into production at the Naval Aircraft Factory as the OS2N-1. The British Kingfisher I was a counterpart of the OS2U-3. Total production amounted to about 1,925 aircraft.
MODEL | OS2U-3 |
CREW | 2 |
ENGINE | 1 x Pratt-Whitney R-985-AN-2, 336kW |
Take-off weight | 2722 kg | 6001 lb |
Empty weight | 1870 kg | 4123 lb |
Wingspan | 10.95 m | 36 ft 11 in |
Length | 10.31 m | 34 ft 10 in |
Height | 4.61 m | 15 ft 1 in |
Max. speed | 264 km/h | 164 mph |
Ceiling | 3960 m | 13000 ft |
Range | 1300 km | 808 miles |
ARMAMENT | 2 x 7.62mm machine-guns, 2 x 45-kg bombs |
Ralph Alshouse, e-mail, 25.11.2011 05:21 I liked the OS2U even if it was under powered. The cat shots were interesting. When you come 'too' you were flying, if you did not wake up it did not matter at all! reply | Steve Smith, e-mail, 13.10.2011 03:27 My dad, rest his soul, was on the West Virginia (BB-48) after it went thru modernization following the sinking at Perl. They had Kingfishers on board. He said many times, if the sea was calm following a cat shot from the stern, for training they would land and take off from the water but often they could not get up on the "step" and the big battleship would have to make a turn to provide a wake that they could jump from or at least "un-stick" the hull to get airborne. Underpowered? Ya think? reply | les, e-mail, 10.12.2010 14:57 one of these aircraft are being restored for the yeovile historic flight reply | Chuck Purcell, e-mail, 11.10.2010 05:34 I was with WF46 station at Groton.Conn. when the gunnery ask me to fly him to near staton the only thing avaiable was a OS2U, I got the hand book and took him we had a nice flight, but it was them the F6F I was used to. reply |
| Max Scandella, e-mail, 10.09.2010 18:53 I have read with interest the comments by side of Hal, I belive that this plane was really underpowered, by the way " the kingfisher " remain a milestone in the evolution of planes for " duty " on the seas. Different is the situation regarding the version equipped with landing gear . One really " coffin ". reply | LUIGI DI SALVO, e-mail, 23.09.2009 22:11 � un aereo stupendo mi piacerebbe avere delle di quello usato in australia(quello tutto giallo) reply | A. V. Drake, e-mail, 24.05.2009 09:33 My Uncle, Lt. John G. "Graham Man" Boyd, was the pilot who actually located the Rickenbacher crew. My mother still has the letter my Gr. Mother got from Eddie. It seems that Lt. Eadie and also the catalina crew got credit for it because the plane my uncle was flying was BINGO for fuel and could only radio for assist. Squadron was Sta, in Funa Fuji not Bora Bora. Rickenbacher was Army not Navy he wasn't an Admiral. reply | Hal Gettings, e-mail, 14.08.2008 23:32 I flew in the OS2U in an ASW squadron at Banana River FL. We carried two 325-lb depth charges and if there was little wind it was almost impossible to get off the water with a full load of gas it was so underpowered. We lost one plane because it couldn't clear a low tank on shore. Fuel gauges, especially the reserve tank, were notoriously inaccurate and we had numerous instances of unanticipated landings. Nobody had anything good to say about the plane. reply | Bruce Ford, e-mail, 03.06.2008 11:54 During WWII my father was a crew cheif stationed at BORA BORA and working on the OS2U-3 Kingfisher. The squadron he was with was responsible for having found " Eddie Rickinbacker ( later ADMIRAL ) after 30 days lost at sea. He always said it was one tough aircraft. reply |
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