Sikorsky S-43 / JRS


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Sikorsky S-43 / JRS

Eleven-fifteen-passenger commercial amphibian powered by two 559kW Pratt & Whitney Hornet engines and known as the Baby Clipper as a smaller version of the S-42. Production aircraft went into service with Pan American Airways and a number of other airlines for operations in Norway, West Africa, Russia, China, Hawaiian and Philippine islands and South America. The US Navy/ Marine Corps and USAAC also used the type as a general-purpose aircraft.

Sikorsky S-43 / JRS

 ENGINE2 x 750hp Pratt-Whitney "Hornet"
  Take-off weight8662 kg19097 lb
  Wingspan26.21 m86 ft 0 in
  Length15.60 m51 ft 2 in
  Height5.38 m18 ft 8 in
  Max. speed306 km/h190 mph
  Ceiling6310 m20700 ft
  Range1247 km775 miles

Sikorsky S-43 / JRS

The S-43 built for Howard Hughes for his planned round-the-world flight

Jerry �enfluk, e-mail, 17.09.2014 15:20

fhgbewhfglihefgvwek;rug;owehg, can you say it in English, please?


STU SAMMIS, e-mail, 12.08.2010 21:40

An example of this plane is in Storage at the Smithsonian Silver Hill Resoration facility. I believer it was one which survived the Pearl Harbor attack


fhgbewhfglihefgvwek;rug;owehgi, e-mail, 07.01.2010 16:29

tiydikrcffyfghhhghfkjv,k.jnk.jb znxcsdgvjklasdvlkasndv . asnduifgh qwkdfhweb weogwekj dhgiwefv weuior kl;wergpiwer qwerwrweg werwewerg3gwegwef wef wef we fwefgwefwewergwe rgwegw e4rgwefgwergwergvdfvksdfgvsdkfgkdfgkjsdhfkgjhsdfkghsekfjgskdjfhgkjsdhfgkjsdhf jvhskdjfhgskjdhfgkjshdf skdjfhghsdfg sdfjv sdjkfg ksdjfh gkjsdfgksj dfhgkjsdfh ksjdfhg ksdjfhbkasejgsjdhfg sdfkjgsdkrh gksjdfh vksdjfh vkwejfhk sefvh bkjwg jweh ro;iuqwh goiwhsdfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhvb qagwkerjlghqo;werith qilwofh qiweryqo;wiqwiudfgoiwdsflgvukahqsdfopghqsodkal;sdifgkl;asjhgklsjdfgkjshdfhsdfjkgh sdjklfgksjdfhgsjdhfgjksdklfjglskdjfgksjdfhglkjsdhfgjkl whdfgsdkfjg lsdfgkj sdklfjkl jsdfgkl jsdfhsdfgsdfsdfgs dfg skjldfvjklsdfgskdfnghsjklergsdfgsdrfgsdfgbsdfgjsdfghsdjklfghsldkfjgklsdfgkjsdlkfbhlksdklfgwdfgsdflgwjherlgawhdvbhwero;y hvero ghwergh w4krgjklwerkfgd


David Bartlett, e-mail, 21.05.2009 22:42

Jess- horsepower is directly convertable to Kilowatts. 559kw is the same as 750 hp.


Eu, e-mail, 23.12.2008 14:11

� Pa�, �


Michael Shawn, e-mail, 08.10.2008 14:08

Couldn't help but marvel at your beautiful plane. Is this the same airplane that was parked in Pearland Texas in the late 80's and early 90's?


Jess Bootenhoff, e-mail, 02.05.2008 00:22

I am the captain of the pictured S-43 aircraft,N-440. What is a 559kw engine ?


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