VisionAire / Scaled Composites Vantage


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VisionAire / Scaled Composites Vantage

The first prototype flew on November 16, 1996.

VisionAire / Scaled Composites Vantage

 ENGINE1 x Pratt & Whitney JT15D-5D, 1370kg
  Take-off weight3719 kg8199 lb
  Empty weight2235 kg4927 lb
  Payload558kg1230 lb
  Wingspan14.5 m48 ft 7 in
  Length12.5 m41 ft 0 in
  Height4.4 m14 ft 5 in
  Max. speed640 km/h398 mph
  Cruise speed463 km/h288 mph
  Ceiling12500 m41000 ft
  Range w/max.fuel2500 km1553 miles
  Range w/max payload1853 km1151 miles

aristide marchetti, e-mail, 14.02.2013 01:27

Maravilhosa aeronave!
Por favor, inclua-me entre os correspondentes de not�cias t�cnicas sobre esse avi�o.


shawn, e-mail, 01.12.2011 18:20

Hate to break the news but I am looking at this particualar aircraft as I type this and it has been taken out of service. It is on loan to Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa iowa. where brought here the horizontal stabilizer was chopped off to ensure it would not fly again.


Curtis Hamlin, e-mail, 16.12.2010 19:08

Please call us at 877-334-8504. Love to talk about the Vantage. Upgraded power plant and avionics. This aircraft is being manufactured in NC with certification expected by 2013.


Dan Clemons, 13.12.2009 22:36

Bert Rutan ranks right up there with Kelly Johnson when it comes to designing airplanes. And to think that NASA could not figure out how to re-enter Earth's atmoshpere with heat tiles.


Chuck, e-mail, 29.06.2009 22:17


For a very long time, from 1961 to date, I've been in favor of small, single-engined, easy-to-fly, unexpensive jets aimed to private pilots throughout the whole world.
Planes like the Vantage and even smaller ones should soon be made available to al of us who usually fly those cute and small Pipers or Cessnas.
please contact me with designers and /or builders worldwide as soon as possible.
thankfully yours,



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