Piper PA-8 Sky Cycle


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Piper PA-8 Sky Cycle

The only prototype flew in 1947. Destroyed in a fire in 1948.

 ENGINE1 x Lycoming O-145 piston engine, 55hp
  Take-off weight567 kg1250 lb
  Empty weight346 kg763 lb
  Wingspan6.10 m20 ft 0 in
  Length4.77 m16 ft 8 in
  Height1.86 m6 ft 1 in
  Wing area12.68 m2136.49 sq ft
  Max. speed185 km/h115 mph
  Cruise speed152 km/h94 mph
  Ceiling3560 m11700 ft
  Range643 km400 miles

bob milanese, e-mail, 22.10.2015 05:39

I found a partially built 1 /3 scale 80 inch wing , PA8 with fiberglass fuse and foam core wing. Anyone know anything about who produced this kit ?


Jesse Danielson, e-mail, 13.07.2015 02:18

Fred Novack (Vintage RC Plans) has plans for this model. I have been trying to find a kit of this model for some time. Looking for a 1 /4 scale model. No time to cut one out at present.


Don P. Simons, e-mail, 30.01.2011 06:53

Ernie Carlson was a close friend for many years. I was one of two test pilots. We built the Carlson Skycycle replica, NX47Y. It took about 8 years of spare time in the shop to get it airborne. I got nearly 20 hours in it and did the flying when the promotional filming was done. After some minor adjustments it flew nicely and I ferried it to Lock Haven for the Sentimental Journey gathering where the filming was done. It was not kitted because the center section was a very complicated structure - we ruined one and had to start over; the rolled aluminum tail cone was another do over job. With it's O-145 Lycoming it flew great. It was dumped over on its back an didn't get into the Piper Museum as planned. I built a model of it and it was placed in the museum showcase.


Roger, e-mail, 03.12.2021 Don P. Simons

We are working with the Piper museum to restore the Erdman Skycycle, I would like to speak with you


Roger Bohner Jr, e-mail, 03.07.2021 Don P. Simons

The Bob Erdman Skycycle in Piper Museum is mine to complete. Please send me any info you have Esp the wing construction.


Ap Rademakers, e-mail, 06.12.2010 21:43

Some years ago I saw the pictures of this plane and I contacted Carlson aircraft corporation. They are selling this plane as ultralight. They sold me a copy of the drawing of a PA-8 model made in 1946 by Ed Lidgard Comet model Airplane&supply Co.,Inc.. This drawing was made for building a show model. I enlarged the drawings to about 6 foot wingspan. I choose the for the Wingprofile: center= naca2412 420 mm wingtip= naca4412 260 mm. It is an extremely good natured flying plane powered by an OS 4 stroke 91s II P.


marcelo pricoli, e-mail, 25.09.2010 08:56

tengo los planos para construirlo pero la version motor a gomas.si lo desean puedo enviarlo.dejen el mail


dennis hoffman, e-mail, 18.05.2010 23:09

There were actually two prototypes built. (one crashed, one burned)The PA-8 has been recreated and flown by Carlson Aircraft in Ohio. For more information see their website.


PHILLIP, e-mail, 30.03.2010 06:15

I would like to try to build one. Is there any detailed information available?


Lee Lamar, e-mail, 31.12.2009 21:40

The prototype fuselage was made from a dropable fuel tank made for a figher aircraft. The rear was an aluminum tube. As I recall, it had a nickname of Little ?????. I always remember it as being destroyed by Piper because of fear someone would get hurt with it.


Lee Lamar, e-mail, 31.12.2009 21:39

The prototype fuselage was made from a dropable fuel tank made for a figher aircraft. The rear was an aluminum tube. As I recall, it had a nickname of Little ?????. I always remember it as being destroyed by Piper because of fear someone would get hurt with it.


R Landau, 01.11.2009 05:46

I saw this plane in Macy's (New York, 34th Street) when I was a boy. Thought it was a great idea, and never forgot about it! (I think it was in the toy department, or close to it!!!!)


Charles Cupp, e-mail, 07.04.2009 10:41

My father Worked on this plane when he was in reasearch with Piper he gave alot of info to Carlson. Nice to know people still think about this plane. My dad says it was a ball to fly he wishes he could try it one more time.


Roger Bohner Jr, e-mail, 03.07.2021 Charles Cupp

The Bob Erdman Skycycle has been sitting in the Piper Museum, I have the honor of its completion. Please contact me with any info about wings you have,


R Banning, e-mail, 20.12.2008 17:57

I have built two 1 /4 scale models of this aircraft. The first one was all balsa and destroyed in a crash due to an inconsiderate modeler who turned on his radio which was also on my frequency. Then in 1991, I built another with a carbon fiber fuselage and wing leading edge, which I still have. The canopy is from Lexan plastic made in my home designed vacuum forming box. Engine is a Saito twin 90 4 cycle.


Ed Clayman, e-mail, 06.08.2023 R Banning

I am looking for a pair of 1 /4 scale PA-8 Sky Cycle canopies. Do you still have the plug for it?

Looking forward to your reply.



Sidney Edelstein, e-mail, 07.11.2007 02:36

I am an RC aircraft enthusist, built a model of the PA-8 in 1948 is there a way to obtain plans of this aircraft now.


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