Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser


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Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser

With the end of World War II in sight, Piper made preparations for large-scale production of lightplanes for civil use, and began by developing an improved version of the J-5C Cruiser of which production had ended during 1942. Although technically a three-seat aircraft, the Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser was more usually used and regarded as a de luxe two-seater, and differed from the J-5C only in a number of cosmetic refinements to make it an attractive purchase. The prototype was flown in December 1945 and attracted so much attention that the company soon had an enormous backlog of orders, and when production of this version ended no fewer than 3,758 had been built. Dimensionally little had changed from the J-5C, and having the same 75kW Avco Lycoming O-235-C engine, the PA-12 had a maximum speed of 183km/h at sea level.

Ron Rayburn, e-mail, 07.08.2016 01:38

Even had electric starter!


Donald Etheridge, e-mail, 06.08.2013 07:43

I flew a PA-12 first in about 1975 got a lot of hours in N92552, I quit flying for a while then started back in the 80s flying N3976M got my licence in this plane. I was renting this plane. I bought a PA-12 in 2011 and still fly N7504H


Scott Boyd, e-mail, 13.07.2011 05:31

We used to have one at the FBO I worked at in Colorado, it was pretty much a utility aircraft when we needed it. I took the head from my BMW to Durango to get it rebuilt when I overhauled my 2002. We also used it for local flights and sight seeing as well as some instruction, though insurance was a problem.


Frank Giudice, e-mail, 13.07.2011 04:29

I owned this magnificent airplane - N2969M for 11 years - At Oneonta NY Both my children learned to fly in it. I had previously owned a J3 - Aeronca Champ - J5 - Cessna 150 - but this was the most fun to fly- and you could take two passengers - anything you could put in it. it would lift. Due to health I had to sell it - The last I knew it was hauling banners around Tampa Bay


Michael Schroeder, e-mail, 21.03.2011 15:26

Soloed a PA-12 on grass field in Clintonville, WI in 2001. Was the only student to solo on a tail dragger with a stick at this particular FBO in Sheboygan, WI. Very proud of that fact. Never ground looped it, though another rental pilot had so "my" poor PA-12 was out of commission for a long time. Had to move over to a Aeronca Champ...


Bob Owen, e-mail, 15.01.2011 06:55

In 1973 my friend Dick Shnepf and I flew N10603 with the 108 hp Lycoming from Van Nuys, CA to Islip, NY. The trip took 30 hours over 3 days in this great PA-12 aircraft. Except for going to 12000 over the mountains at Albuqurqe
we flew "at or below" 5000. What a way to see the country.


Scott Holderness, e-mail, 15.12.2010 04:33

I rebuilt a PA 12 that I highly modified while living in alaska N3148M, it was the most fun airplane I have ever flown. Low end 20mph, but high was 80mph. In the above discription why would someone list the max speed of a US airplane in km /h?


Jim Higginson, e-mail, 28.09.2010 09:34

Many fine memories of N7753H, bought the first year we were married and 5 years before we bought our first home!


Frank Cauthen, M.D., e-mail, 09.09.2010 03:01

I took my first flying lessons in this aircraft, which was owned by my uncle. I was in college at the time, and swapped working to restore airplanes for flying lessons. Many a morning I took off at dawn and flew over a wide area of eastern Alabama. I later finished qualifying for my private license in a Cessna 150. The Super Cub was a thrill to fly, and was very forgiving!


Courtney Judd, e-mail, 15.02.2010 23:47

My dad bought N3909M new in 1947... had it on floats for a while. I soloed in her on my 16th birthday in 1960. She is in a museum in Florida now... sure wish I had her back!


Verne Lietz, e-mail, 03.02.2010 04:05

I bought a 1947 PA-12 with 100 h.p.at Denver, CO. in 1953 for $1250, had a great time with it and never one bit of trouble. Flew it to Minnesota and back, quite a few trips over 12,000' high mountains of Colorado,then to Anchorage. Started having people ask if it was for sale, so put an ad in the paper for $1650. Sold it to the first guy who showed up and then had 21 people show up in the next hour! Probably could have auctioned it off for twice the price. It cruised at 105 mph on about 5-1 /2 gph. Sure wish I still had it.


Pete, e-mail, 15.01.2010 03:50

Flew one for a few years while in the service (Albany, Georgia) in mid 1960s, still remember the tail number, N4389M. Just a delight to fly.


Phil Langley, e-mail, 21.07.2008 08:58

This was a very good airplane for its class - easy to fly and very forgiving. I was part owner of N78707 from about 1952 to 1957.


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