North American T-6 Texan / SNJ / Harvard


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North American T-6 Texan / SNJ / Harvard

The first prototype NA-16 flew in April 1935. A total of about 17000 aircraft were built


 ENGINE1 x Pratt-Whitney R-1340-AN-1, 410kW
  Take-off weight2404 kg5300 lb
  Empty weight1886 kg4158 lb
  Wingspan12.81 m42 ft 0 in
  Length8.99 m30 ft 6 in
  Height3.58 m12 ft 9 in
  Wing area23.57 m2253.71 sq ft
  Max. speed330 km/h205 mph
  Ceiling6555 m21500 ft
  Range1200 km746 miles

North American T-6 Texan / SNJ / HarvardA three-view drawing (674 x 878)

Comments1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120
archer fitzhardinge carpenter, e-mail, 20.07.2021 14:49

Richmond super are just very terrible set of professionals who seem to bed very goo good at what they do.
I did a due diligence test before investing with Richmond but guess what ?
I ended up getting burned. This is to create awareness, not everybody can be as lucky as I was.
if had not taken my case and reclaim my loses, i would never have understood Richmonds modus operandi.
not even only Richmond, but Etoro, 500 investment and all. they are all scammers please don't fall for it.
i was scammed of over 220,000Aud after their compliance lady promised me high yield returns. i didn't have a problem with the money at all.
i started smelling fowl play when i tried withdrawing some money to purchase a tractor for my farm.
that i discovered i was not able to make any withdrawals.
i sent several mails to their compliance lady to know avail.
i later realized it is a coordinated scam across the Australia and new Zealand community.


maya, e-mail, 29.03.2020 01:48

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deaftom, e-mail, 07.11.2016 23:26

Bob Keller, you must have been in the same pilot-training class (52-B) as my late father, Roger D. Harrington! I'd love to see any photographs you might have of the T-6Gs you flew, as I want to build a model of my dad's "first" aircraft type.


Scott Urban, e-mail, 04.02.2016 20:59

1944 SNJ-5 BuNo 43745 - Any of you Naval and Marine Aviators check your log books. I would love to hear from you if you flew my SNJ. It spent most of its time in Pensacola & Corpus (1944 to 1958). It is currently kept in Richland, WA.


Al Brown, e-mail, 16.01.2016 18:13

If the Bob Keller is the one stationed in the 449th FIS in Fairbanks, Ak I would like to hear from him, a great guy. My phone is 828-696-9014


TC Dahlgren, e-mail, 14.03.2015 16:13

My advanced training was in a twin engine Cessna so I didn't get to fly the T-6 until later. "Later" was after a combat tour in an 8th AF B-24. The Army Air Corps' amazing assignment methods kicked in and I found myself at a T-6 instructor school at Waco, Texas. in 1945. Going from big to little was difficult enough without having to fly it from the back seat. Not surprisingly, I never instructed hour one but logged a lot of hours in the "6" - in the front seat. Great airplane! However, one had to "fly" it and it was not all that forgiving of pilot error. I have the T-6 pilot's manual. Wish I had a T-6.


Russ Dyer, e-mail, 07.03.2015 18:49

Pensacola Pre-Flight Class 20-53. Then about 180 SNJ hours
at Whiting, Saufley, Barin and Corry Fields. Enjoyed every minute of the time. This was the basis for the next twenty years of flying a variety of USMC fixed wing prop and jet and helicpters. Semper Fi


Bob Keller, e-mail, 15.02.2015 05:51

I was in class 52-B as a Cadet. We did our entire basic and advanced training in the yellow T-6.


Bob Keller, e-mail, 15.02.2015 05:46

I went thriugh basic and advanced Air Force pilot training in this wonderful aircraft. James Connely and Reese AFB's. After ground looping this plane on my first solo at macgregor Field, Waco Texas, i had the greatest check ride that any Cadet ever had. The experience made me a better and safer pilot. My instructor told me "mister there are two kinds of T-6 pilots, those who have ground looped this plane and those that are going to gound loop it. I have 220 wonderful hours in this aircraft.


Dr Richard Dexter Olson, e-mail, 04.02.2015 22:23

I flew basic training at, Whiting, Saufley, Barin, & Corey fields from Dec 53 [class 35-53 in Preflight at NAS Pensacola] thru Aug 54; what a GREAT airplane, enjoyed every minute of it; would love hearing from anyone who was in my class or anyone who went through flight training at the same time. I remember VERY WELL, Sgt Seif, & SGT McDaniel, who were the DIs in charge of us in preflight at Pensacola; they had us scared silly & "whipped" us into shape in record time.


Reed Carr, e-mail, 21.01.2015 04:04

I flew the SNJ at Barin Field, Foley, AL in early 1957. It was the 3rd trainer for me, having started in the T-34 at Whiting,1956, the T-28 at Corry, then Saufley, and on to Barin, 1957. As I was headed for Helo's they didn't let us do much but fly a lot of formation flights, no Gunnery nor CQ, for which I was sad.


Don Wohlers USMC, e-mail, 17.03.2014 22:31

Having come from a small country town in NE, then via boot camp in San Diego, I was in awe. I was in class 22-54. Soloed the SNJ on Sept 15th at Correy. Yes Correy as we were a small class and did not go to Whiting. When I went through boot camp, three of us qualified for the NAVCAD program. When I got to Pensacola we were told to look to our left and then our right and in so many years, one would be dead. Of the three of us that came to Pensacola, I am the only one that lived thru to the end. At Baron, I was taking off and my engine started to backfire and I stayed on the ground but ran off the end of the runway. I believe it was rwy 4. Remember that was early 1955. Where I went off and down in a ditch, it was the only place that the SNJ would fit and not hit a cement block and flip. Problem? They had just change plugs and someone had not turned them all the way in and some came out as they had just been started in the hole. I got my wings on 11 /10 /55. The SNJ is the love of my many a /c that I have flown in my 40 years of flying. I retired from the airlines with 28,000 hours in 1994. All because of the NAVCAD program and the SNJ (super navy jet)


Bob Marshall, e-mail, 05.02.2014 03:44

I noticed my E-Mail Addres in the following posting was in error It should be:


Bob Marshall, e-mail, 04.02.2014 20:25

After graduation from Pensacola 1944 I was assigned Advanced Instructor at Ellyson and Whiting Field. Here is a quote that many people did not realize. If you could fly the SNJ you could fly any single engine plane in the Navy:
*1--- Pilot Training Remarks from "The Smithsonian" magazine November 2003. Article "Crash Junkie" page 11:

" America's rush to transform itself into an air power after Pearl Harbor took a greater toll in lives than most people realize. About 15,000 air-men died in training mishaps in the primitive, often-difficult-to-fly aircraft of the area, roughly about a quarter of those actually killed in combat. "It wasn't combat," says Fuller, but is was the cost of keeping America free." "Overall Navy flight statistics for 1945 are available and the numbers are impressive. That year, 15.5-million hours were flown. More than 13,000 major accidents occurred; half resulted in destroyed aircraft. The more than 3,000 fatalities were at the rate of 20.5 per 100,000 hours flown" e.g. "Bloddy Barin" NAS Pensacola.


Granpa, e-mail, 11.01.2014 00:45

It would be nice if we were told how much horsepower this plane has.


Harold Haskins, e-mail, 15.11.2013 00:36

Flew the SNJ at Pensacola in basic 4 /53 to 1 /54 . Six
carrier landings . Solo, precision stage. aerobatics,
formation, gunnery, instruments before moving on to Corpus
Christi for all weather flight and advanced. Great trainer!


Alfred J. D'Amario, e-mail, 19.08.2013 04:28

In class 51H, I flew the t-6D for about 30 hours at Goodfellow AFB, Texas and then transitioned into the T-6G, the Yellow Peril. We heard stories of student crashes in the G model at other bases, with no known cause except "pilot error". Practicing spins (solo) in a G model, I encountered a problem but recovered. After repeating the spin and encountering the same problem, and recovering, I asked my instructor to ride with me to see what the problem was. On that flight, we entered a spin (intentionally) and the rudder and elevator controls locked together. It took all the strength of both of us to free the controls and recover. After landing, it was found that the rudder and elevator controls could lock together in a spin, making recovery difficult or impossible. The problem was corrected and no farther crashes were reported. I continued on with about another 110 hours in the T-6 at Goodfellow. Then, I went to Craig AFB for advanced training and got another 70 hours in the T-6G. I had no problems but my instructor forgot to lock the tail wheel and ground-looped his airplane one day. All of that was in 1951.
I never flew the T-6 again until 2009. I was 79 years old and got a one hour flight in a War Bird T-6 at Kissimmee, Florida. At that age I wasn't too sure how I would respond to aerobatics. Knowing I was a retired Air Force pilot, the pilot gave me the stick right after takeoff. In the hour that followed, I flew that Terrible Texan through rolls and loops with no problem at all. I handled 3 Gs with no problem
The T-6 was a great airplane, subject to ground-loops if you weren't careful, but otherwise a delight to fly.


Ratch, e-mail, 15.08.2013 09:27

Also flew the G model at Greenville and Willy Air Patch. Went to Korea in the T-6 as the last truce started. We had a mixture of former P 51 pilots and young new 2nd Lts' relieving each other on patrol each day. This exchange often turn into mini dog fights for a few minutes. I learned more about fighter tactics from those old pros that year then I did in the rest of my career.


Julio Torres, e-mail, 10.07.2013 20:15

Great memories of my training on T-6G at the Venezuelan Air Force Academy 1958-59 The aircraft (E-98) I flew on my first solo I see it almost every day as it was placed at the roof of the Transport Museum of Caracas, located at one of the main avenues of the city


Julio Torres, e-mail, 10.07.2013 20:15

Great memories of my training on T-6G at the Venezuelan Air Force Academy 1958-59 The aircraft (E-98) I flew on my first solo I see it almost every day as it was placed at the roof of the Transport Museum of Caracas, located at one of the main avenues of the city


1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120

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