| The first B-25 flew on August 19, 1940. More than 12000 aircraft built.
MODEL | B-25J |
CREW | 5 |
ENGINE | 2 x Wright R-2600-92 Cyclone, 1268kW |
Take-off weight | 15876 kg | 35001 lb |
Empty weight | 8836 kg | 19480 lb |
Wingspan | 20.6 m | 68 ft 7 in |
Length | 16.13 m | 53 ft 11 in |
Height | 4.98 m | 16 ft 4 in |
Wing area | 56.67 m2 | 609.99 sq ft |
Max. speed | 438 km/h | 272 mph |
Ceiling | 7375 m | 24200 ft |
Range | 2173 km | 1350 miles |
ARMAMENT | 12 x 12.7mm machine-guns, 1300-1800kg of bombs |
 | A three-view drawing (592 x 842) |
dadallielama@aol.com, 17.11.2020 05:30 My cousin Albert P. Muska was with the 12th Air Force, 83rd Bombardment Group. He died on a routine mission 11 /3 /1943 from Gerbini to La Marsa on a B-25. I was wondering if anyone had photos of him or one of his planes. reply | Heinkel Wulf, e-mail, 24.03.2018 11:02 The gunship versions of this beautiful machine are easily my favorite. If I'm not mistaken, with the exception of the Piaggio P.108 with it's 105mm nose cannon, the B-25 was the most heavily armed bomber of the war when it's 75mm Sherman tank cannon was combined with it's 18 50 cal's. Too bad those weren't available for the Doolitle raid. I imagine they would've made quite an impression. Of course, they would've lacked the range to deploy from as far as they did from the available carriers, but it's still fun to use one's imagination. reply | william J. Harvey, e-mail, 12.02.2016 18:24 Hi: I have 1171 Pilot Hours in the B-25, mostly in the Straight Stack. I am trying to get a hearing aid from the VA, but I need information on the decibel level in the Cockpit. I flew out of Lowry and Sheppard for the Photo School and Radar Navigation Training School. Graduated 49-C from Barksdale AFB. I do not think any of the present VA employees know what a Straight Stack B-25 is, I left enough of them on the runway's at Lowry. reply | Charles Herrmann, e-mail, 23.05.2015 04:59 The B-25 was very dear to me, I earned my wings as a United States Air Force navigator in 1953 flying in the B-25 and then in 1957 completed USAF pilot training, flying the B-25. One of the reasons why I have hearing problems now is from spending so much time in the '25 what with the sound level in the cockpit and nose measured at 95 decibels. Nevertheless, I still have fond memories of my days in the B-25, a great aircraft!! reply |
| Pat Daily, e-mail, 11.02.2015 18:10 I was a Flight Mech. (Flt. Engineer) on TB-25Js at Griffiss AFB in Rome, NY in 1954 through 1958. We had four B-25s, tail # 818, 881 and two others. Do any of you know the other two tail #s and are any of these "birds" still around? Pat Daily reply | George Haloulakos, CFA, e-mail, 25.06.2014 21:47 A detailed account on how the PBJ version of the B-25 Mitchell [i.e., operated by the USMC] was the difference maker in the Pacific Theater during WWII is featured in chapter 5 of my new book. This is an integral part of USMC aviation history.
HIGH FLIGHT Aviation as a Teaching Tool for Finance, Strategy and American Exceptionalism By George A. Haloulakos, MBA, CFA ISBN: 9780-1007-2738-0 Order your copy online at: ucsandiegobookstore.com Or by phone: 858-534-4557 "Partial proceeds support aviation heritage" reply | Phil Marchese, e-mail, 30.03.2014 17:25 The Far East Air Forces developed the C1; D1; G1; H1 and J1 commerce straffers with added forward 50 cals ( deleting the75mm on the G & H. The NAA designed the D2; G-12 and J2 versions. The J2 nose kit could fit the C /D and G /H also and that was done in limited quantities along with many early J series. reply | Phil Marchese, e-mail, 30.03.2014 17:17 I am familar with Bill's Delight of the 48BS. Without checking, I recall it as Bill Legget's original plane lost with Ostronick's crew on Detached Service to Saipan. The 48th ended the war at Kadena Okinawa. reply | sheldon, e-mail, 09.02.2014 15:47 2004. Dana Point, CA. Art show. Paintings of B-25s in flight. Including the takeoff from the Hornet. I meet the artist, a WWII B-25 pilot. USAAF. Pacific theater. He tells me stories of missions flown, 1944,1945. Awesome airplane. Magnificent airmen. Bless them all. reply | J.B. Riley, e-mail, 29.01.2014 04:35 I flew in the last class that went through B-25's at Enid AFB, Oklahoma and ferried the last ones to Arizona for moth-balling in 1965. reply | DAN MERNIT, e-mail, 29.05.2013 04:27 7th Af,47thBG,41st mediums.crew member on h and j.Had the back door.Was the armorer gunner.No other plane like it in the war ,or the world. reply | Mark, e-mail, 20.09.2012 17:44 B-25
��������� ��� ��� ������������� ������� �����, ������� ��� ����������� XB-21, �������������� ���� �������, �� ����� ��������������� ��� ������� �������� ��� �������� �� ��� �� ������ ��� �������� ���������� �������, ����� ��� ���� �� ����� ��� ������� ��� ��� ������� �������� ���������. ������������� �� 1941 ��� �� ����� ��� �� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��������� Billy Mitchell, � ������ ��������� �� � "�������" ��� �������� ���� ���� �������� ��������� ��� ����� � ��� ������� ������� ��� ����������� �������� ��� �����. ����� � ����� �������� ���� ������� ���� ���� ��� ������ ���������� ����������� ����������. �������� ���������� ������� 10.000 B-25 �� ������ �������� ���� ������� 6 ������, ����� 16 ������, ������� ��������� 20.6 �����, ������� �������� 442 ��� /���, ������ ������ 2.170��� ��� �������� �� ��������� ������� ������ ����������� 2.700 ����. ���� ����������� �� 12-18 �������� ����� ������ (12.7 ���), �� ����� �� �������� �������� ���������������� ��� �� ��� ���������� �������� M2 ��� M3. ����� ��� �������� ��������������, ��������� ��� �� �������� ������������� ���� ��� ��� �� �������. � ��������� ��� ������ ���� � B-25J
� ����� �������� ���� ����� ����� �������� ������ ���� ���� ���������� Doolittle Raid ���� 18 �������� ��� 1942, � ����� ��������� ��� ����� ���������� ������� ��� �������� ���� �������. 16 B-25B ������������ ��� �� USS Hornet ��� ����������� ������� ��� ��������� ��� ��������, �������� ����� ���� ��� ������� ��� ���� �������. ������, ���� 28 ������� ��� 1945, ��� B-25 ����������� ���� ����� ��� Empire State ��� ��� ����� ���������� 14 �����. ���� �� ������ ����������� ���� ��� 100 B-25, �� ����������� ��� ���� �� ������� ���� �������� ��������� reply | DAN, e-mail, 06.09.2012 03:57 THERE WAS NOTHING BETTER IN THE AIR THAN THE 25.WENT OUT 72 TIMES.MISSIONS AND SORTIES.DITCHED ONE ,GOT ANOTHER.ANY ?`S reply | Harlan Cooper, e-mail, 09.04.2012 17:58 My Dad, Lt. Robert M. Cooper was navigator in B-25s in the Pacific. The nose of his plane took a hit by a 40 mm shell Dec 26, 1944 in a night attack on a Jap destroyer near Mindoro. The hit took out the hydraulic system and most of Pop's leg. Miraculously, I can't imagine how, the plane made it back to safety. The war was over for him - he made it back to the USA with what was left of his leg and a DFC. The rest of the crew flew again, only to crash and be captured in China where they were all beheaded.
If you haven't seen R.E. Peppy Blount's book, "We Band of Brothers," you should. He told a gripping story of his piloting Air Apaches (B-25 strafers) in the Pacific. He later became the youngest member ever elected to the Texas Legislature. At amazon.com -- We Band of Brothers by R. E. Peppy Blount (Hardcover - May 1984) reply |
| Logan O'Leary, e-mail, 31.03.2012 00:55 the person this plane is named after is my step great great great great uncle reply | John Shaw, e-mail, 12.03.2012 19:47 I flew 65 missions in B25's during 1944-to 1945. Our main base was North Africa and Corsica. One of our favorite "NON" operational trips was to Cairo to stockup wine beer and socialize. reply | Tommie Bailey, e-mail, 16.02.2012 18:45 I flew the B-25 in advanced training school in La Junta,Colorado in 1944. I can still hear the cracking sound of the engines on a cold Colorado morning. Great plane and a joy to pilot. Left the B-25 for transition to the B-26 in Del Rio, Texas--still love the Mitchell reply | Johnny, e-mail, 21.01.2012 09:44 The B-25 is one of my favorite aircraft and I've got to see several flying examples at various air shows etc, and at museums,it was a well made aircraft and well liked,and as we all know made famous by Gen.Doolittle ! Great aircraft and great mwn who fly and crewed them, Much thanks all Veterans for what you did for us during WW-2 it is Very much appreciated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I make leather Squadron /Group patches ,USAAF /USN /USMC. reply | Ed Kopordc, e-mail, 15.01.2012 19:18 I flew them in pilot training at Reese AFB in 1957-58. I still remember the noise! At that time, the group commander was Col. Travis Hoover, the pilot of the No. 2 plane off the Hornet. reply | John Irwin, e-mail, 24.11.2011 21:23 I have a few flights as co-pilot. Out base ops at Perrin had 2 B-25s and base ops personnel were checked out in them. When they needed a co-pilot, they would grab any of us jet jocks that wereavailable. Base ops guys, stuck in recips, hated us jet pilots and most of them treated us like dirt. "Just sit there and shut up" was the order of the day. Still, growing up during WW II, I was pleased to get in a B-25, my favorite plane as a kid. reply |
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