McDonnell Doodlebug


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McDonnell Doodlebug

There is no text information for this aircraft at the moment.

McDonnell DoodlebugA three-view drawing (1248 x 1232)

  Take-off weight816 kg1799 lb
  Empty weight567 kg1250 lb
  Wingspan10.67 m35 ft 0 in
  Length6.50 m21 ft 4 in
  Wing area18.26 m2196.55 sq ft
  Max. speed177 km/h110 mph

Ray Crews, e-mail, 05.07.2012 16:32

I worked for McDollell from 1965-1968 on Gemini Space Capsule and F-4 Phantoms as a mechanic. 'Old Mac' would talk to us during break and lunch from time to time on the PA about the company. McDonnell merged with Douglas during my time there and the DC-10 came out before I left in Sep '68.


Dave Gill, e-mail, 03.12.2010 22:08

Bob's comment is very accurate. My father went to work for J.S. in 1940 when J.S. "had a desk and wastebasket on the second floor of the (original) Lambert Field Termainal building". They built the first carrier-based jet for the Navy (Phantom 1), the (wierd) Goblin, Demon, F-88 and -101 Voodoo, the venerable F-4 Phantom II (used by all services that used jets in their flight program), F-15 and don't forget the aerospace industry to which they contributed. Dad retired in '77 and he and I shared great memories of a great Aircraft company. Had great photos of all the aircraft they built during that time


Bob Axsom, e-mail, 02.01.2010 21:01

I checked this site out at the recommendation of Paul Lipps. I went to work for McDonnell Aircraft in March of 1958. J.S. McDonnell started his second company on July 6, 1939 and developed many front line aircaft long before there was a McDonnell Douglas in 1967. This listing is misleading. Bob Axsom


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