Kirkham-Williams Mercury


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Kirkham-Williams Mercury

Designed for 1927 Schneider Trophy.

 ENGINE1 x 1900hp Packard

Barry, 17.03.2016 13:25

Built by engine manufacturer Kirkham from a design by U.S. Navy Lt Al Williams as an entry for the Shneider Trophy Race this plane was heavily sponsored by Packard using a specially designed 24 cylinder X block engine consisting of two 625 h.p. V1500 mated round a common crank. The project ran over budget and some sources say that the plane was so heavy it could not take off. It did not compete in the race, but later the floats were removed and a wheeled undercarriage was fitted and with this it set an unofficial world record of 322.6 mph.

Span 29'10" Length 29'3"


Leo Pasini, e-mail, 21.10.2012 19:17

Something more about the Kirkham-Williams can be found on "Kirkham-Williams Racer".


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