Horten HW-X-26-52


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Horten HW-X-26-52

There is no text information for this aircraft at the moment.

Russ Eckre, e-mail, 12.11.2014 23:40

Hi, I would like to find Gloria and Janet. Also I think Bill's brother Jim. I purchased a business offering long time ago from Bill. I have a video of the airplane and would like to have some more credibility of Bill's story.


John May, e-mail, 15.11.2013 23:34

Gloria is my aunt. She lives in Monroe NC now.
Janet Horton is my mother.


Terrence I. Murphy, e-mail, 17.02.2012 19:53

This guy got mixed up with Howard Hughes and his shady group. He got into a lot of trouble (lawsuits /prototypes destroyed, etc.)I think all of the planes are gone.


Gracie, e-mail, 04.02.2012 12:27

Is is spelled Horton or Horten? Does anyone know what happened to Gloria Horton, Bill's daughter?


Franklin H. Dewey, e-mail, 13.08.2011 00:52

I saw this aseveral times at Van Nuys Airport.


deaftom, e-mail, 04.04.2011 23:58

I stand corrected. I found other pictures of this thing on the Web, and it turns out there is a narrow center spike (of unknown purpose) in the middle. The picture here happens to be posed in a way that overlays this spike over the right-hand prop shaft, causing visual confusion. Other photos make the real situation clear: there are only two props, each directly turned via an extended driveshaft by an engine behind it.

Wish there was some way to delete a message in here....


deaftom, e-mail, 04.04.2011 23:43

The proper spelling is "Horton". William E. Horton of Santa Ana, California, built his "Wingless" in 1951. The intriguing thing about it is that it has three propellers (in the photo, the right side prop is hidden by the center prop, but you can just make out the upper surface of the right prop's driveshaft fairing) but apparently has only two engines. Presumably the center prop was turned by some kind of mechanical connection to the two side engines. I don't know what the Wingless was doing at Las Vegas, but LV is not so far from Santa Ana that Horton couldn't have flown there with a refueling stop en route.


Suzanne Turgeon, e-mail, 16.11.2010 02:15

In the early 1950s, I saw what certainly must be the Horten Wingless overfly our home near McCarran Field. As a little kid not appreciating having my report of such an odd-looking aircraft deemed a lie by my older brother, I was delighted to see the airplane featured in the Las Vegas Sun the next day. My sketch of the aircraft, from the underside, perfectly matched the description and photo in the newspaper, and I was happily vindicated. That observed "object" was a yellow-orange flying rectangle from the underside; its two-tone coloring made it appear translucent like a batwing between the wing and fuselage. Quite novel.

For aviation enthusiasts, be sure to check out the Howard W. Cannon Aviation Museum at McCarran International Airport. And all history buffs are urged to visit the Clark County Museum (featured on Pawn Stars) at 1830 S. Boulder H'wy, in Henderson, Nevada.


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