Globe GC-1 Swift


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Globe GC-1 Swift

There is no text information for this aircraft at the moment.

Karl Johanson, e-mail, 08.12.2014 08:48

I have owned my Swift for 13 years now. Can't imagine owning any other aircraft other than a Mustang (I did say imagine ;-). Our Swift started life as a 125, was converted to an O-300 Cont six cylinder before I got it. We restored it in 2002 and flew that configure for 3 years then took it apart again to install a Cont IO-360 210hp, sticks, tanks, electric trim, etc. She's a dream to fly and with the new aux tanks, has great range. We have displayed our Swift at airshows all over the western states. This site should include a picture of a nice, polished GC-1B, which is the most commonly encountered version.


John Gallop, e-mail, 13.12.2013 08:29

I flew out of Witbank, South Africa. One of our members had a Swift. If we helped him polish it with "SILVO" we would get a free flip. Closest to a fighter that I ever got.


Irwin Kaplan, e-mail, 07.07.2013 08:33

Owned a Temco (not Globe) Swift for about 600 hours. Trimmed properly in hands-off conditions, this light handling plane could be turned by leaning my body left or right. Held its altitude through gentle porpoising, gaining some speed on descent, losing speed on the climb. Short wings, stubby body, had to stand on right rudder on take-off and easy to ground-loop on landing. Glide ratio of a brick, carried power practically until on the ground. (Subsequently owned a Mooney and would overshoot the runway until I got used to flying an airplane with a glide ratio.) Not finished flying the Swift until it was tied down, but over time, we could read each other's mind. Most beautiful plane I ever flew.


Bob McKibbin, e-mail, 20.02.2013 18:54

In the 1960's I owned an 85 HP original with a Beech-Roby prop, hand crank control. Really great flying machine, but much trouble with the hydraulic system


Gene Schlimmer, e-mail, 27.09.2012 23:56

Sometime around 1960 Art Scholl (who went on to become a noted aerobatic pilot) owned a Swift. At the time he and I worked at the Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS) at China Lake, California. One hot Friday afternoon I needed to get to Los Angeles to pick up a car and he offered to fly me. The airplane was at the small dirt strip at Ridgecrest, just outside the gates to the Naval station. He put my suitcase in the compartment behind the cockpit and off we went. As we neared Mojave the turbulence was getting quite severe. After a particularly hard jolt I noted a concerned look on his face and he was straining really hard to move the control stick. The turbulence has apparently shifted my suitcase and jammed the controls! After struggling for a few seconds another jolt shifted the case again and the controls were free. After a few more severe jolts he determined things were too rough to continue and turned back for a safe landing back at Ridgecrest.


Sandra Knox Deutsch, e-mail, 11.02.2012 06:22

My Father, K.H."Bud" Knox was the Chief designer and V.P. of Globe aircraft. He passed away several years ago, but not before attending several fly ins across the U.S. He was very proud of the attention paid to the design and the years the plane was enjoyed.


Noname, e-mail, 31.03.2020 10:24

More info can be obtained from the Swift Museun Foundation, Athens TN


Tom Hoffmann, e-mail, 01.05.2011 02:19

I owened one of the 85 HP swifts with an aeromatic prop. I personally loved it. My Dad was a stock broker who's company sold stock in the Corp. His picture is in theb book as representing the Brokerage. An American Stock Exchange, formerly called the Curb exchange.

I have two of the "sales" books they produced. It has a lot of facts but I understand from several years ago that the Museum in Tenn. has one.

Great airplane..Spent my life in Aviation. I'm 81 now and have been outfitted with several new joints.


deaftom, e-mail, 04.04.2011 21:38

The Swift Museum Foundation at Athens, Tennessee, preserves and displays four Globe- and Temco-built Swifts (including the first prototype), plus two examples of the Swift-derived Temco T-35 Buckaroo military trainer. It has limited staffing, so call ahead first to ensure you can visit at the time you want.


r.eckels, e-mail, 17.02.2011 03:54

I owned a swift for 14 years. Super handling and great for aerobatics except sustained inverted. Learned to fly intruments on night X-C. Bolt length in the landing gear knee is critical. Observe gear retraction checks personally when gear work is performed. Had electric motor failures in the electro-hydraulic unit until having the motor rewound with one gage heavier wire. Problem solved. Wish I still had it.


Dale Turner, e-mail, 20.04.2010 16:20

1946 Don Bowton @ Cedar Lake,IN airport became a dealer and had an 85hp. This acft was displayed at a Chicago industrial show & I was relegated to expounding on the wonders of it. [At 17 I knew everything]. 1952 owned an 85 which was a good, fun, single place acft. loaded it need more hp.


Marvin Homsley, e-mail, 17.02.2010 19:47

I have owned 4 Swifts to date and loved every one of them. The first 3 were stock with the 145 hp engine. With that engine with 2 people and full fuel and baggage it would climb to 10,500 and cruise just fine. A stock Swift is a great flying airplane but a modified one is even better. My current Swift has the 210 hp Continental and is a real hot rod. Probably as close to a fighter as I will ever get. Light on the controls and does good aerobatics. A friend of mine and myself once took his 210 hp Swift to over 20,000 feet and could have went a little more but ATC stopped us. I would recommend it to anyone who wants an affordable mini fighter that draws crowds everywhere it goes. Go to to see the Swift home page. The Swift has a outstanding support group and headquarters on the Athens, Tn. airport.


Jack Thompson, e-mail, 28.01.2010 16:13

Have owned two Swift's. The current one I have owned for 14 years. Had it converted from 0-300 145HP to a Cont. I0-360 210HP with CS prop. WOW what a difference ! Now have close to 900 hrs. in this plane N78169. Sliding canopy,sticks. 11 gal. fuel in each outboard wing pannel. Total fuel 48 gal. Full paint, PTT on sticks, C-1 auto pilot. What more can I say about this Grand Aircraft. Just Love it. Cheers, Jack Thompson


Verne Lietz, e-mail, 28.01.2010 06:35

I had a 125 h.p. Swift for about 135 hours flying in 10 months and really loved it for cross country. Mine was slower than most due to a gear door that didn't close all the way and that wasn't found until the next owner. I had to sell it due to an AF assignment to Germany. The Swift is light on the controls, handles like a fighter. I've ridden in one with an 180 h.p. Lycoming and it's FAST!


Scott Boyd, e-mail, 27.01.2010 22:23

I flew one of the 85h.p. originals and also one modified with a bigger engine, the 210 Continental. I was one of the few in a flying club who could qualify for the insurance.

Biggest problem was the landing gear, you had to slow down so the gear could retract, too fast and it would burn out the pump motor. It was limited on available fuel and weight and the yellow and red lines were hard to stay away from with the big engine.

The slotted wings helped at low speeds but it wasn't something you thought about. At high speeds they made no difference.


Jim Thomason, e-mail, 26.03.2009 16:39

The black and white photo is of the Swift prototype, pre WWII. Post WWII it was redesigned as the "All New" all metel Globe Swift. There was an 85 Hp and 125 Hp model, about 1500 were built;over the years many engines and STC's have been installed that up grade style and preformance . Up to 420 Hp on one aircraft, the most popular engines are the Cont 210 Hp and Lyc 180,200 Hp. More info can be obtained from the Swift Museun Foundation, Athens TN


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