Douglas DT


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Douglas DT

The DT-1 appeared in 1921 as a single-seat 298kW Liberty-powered (with side radiators) torpedo plane. From it was developed the two-seat DT-2, an extremely sturdy single-bay biplane with a 335.3kW Liberty engine and nose radiator.

The fuselage was of welded steel tubing, braced with tie-rods and provided with stiffening gussets. It was built in three detachable sections: engine section, mid section and tail section, the first two plated with aluminium and the tail with fabric. The vertical tail surfaces had conventional wooden frames, while the horizontal tail surfaces were of steel tubing. The wings were of standard box-beam and built-up rib construction of wood, fabric-covered. The upper wing was made up of three panels, while the lower had the usual two. The undercarriage was remarkable only for having a 3m wide track, although DT-2 could be fitted with two long wooden floats.

A total of about 80 production DT-2-type aircraft were produced in the USA, most as standard DT-2 for the US Navy but including a small number of SDW-1 scouting floatplanes, but excluding five export models delivered to Norway and Peru. The latter had 484.3kW Wright engines and were operated by the small Naval Air Station at Ancon (20 miles from Lima) which was under the command of US Navy officers on loan to the Peruvian government. Seven DT-2 were also built in Norway under licence.

US Navy DT-2 entered service from 1922 and during their four-year career were experimentally flown from the aircraft carrier USS Langley. However several new versions of the DT were developed by fitting new engines into existing DT-2, the most important of which was the DT-4 bomber with a 484.3kW Wright T-2, able to carry a bomb load of 748kg.

 ENGINE1 x Liberty V-12, 336kW
  Take-off weight2950 kg6504 lb
  Empty weight1695 kg3737 lb
  Wingspan15.24 m50 ft 0 in
  Length10.41 m34 ft 2 in
  Height4.14 m14 ft 7 in
  Wing area65.68 m2706.97 sq ft
  Max. speed163 km/h101 mph
  Ceiling2375 m7800 ft
  Range472 km293 miles
 ARMAMENT1 x 830-kg torpedo

Kevin Fields, e-mail, 24.01.2017 07:20

Don Oberlies, the only survivors are the Chicago and New Orleans, both in museums. A pair of enthusiasts built a new versiaon, the Seattle II, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the flight. The aircraft was flying on wheels in 2014 and is now preparing for floats to re-create the around-the-world voyage. Search for "Seattle World Cruiser"


Gordon McBride, e-mail, 16.05.2011 06:09

Jackson R. Tate was my commanding officer in 1943. He had several interesting things happen during his career thatI would be happy to share with you. I would enjoy having copies of the pictures you have. Thank you.


Don Oberlies, e-mail, 09.03.2011 15:21

Have any been restored ? Any flying today ?


Arlene O'Connor, e-mail, 08.07.2007 03:41

My Father Benjamin Franklin Long was on the USS Langley at
this time. He sent photos of the DT Torpedo Plane A-6584
to his mother and a Voight Plane USS Langly with a name
Lt.(jg) J.R. Tate, USN Pilot. My father was killed on the
USS Arizona when I was 5 years old. I am preparing some
papers and records for my Grandchildren. We had little
information or memories of my father until recently, with
the help of Google and a cousin that has done research for
me. I am now enjoying seeing the History of the Langley and
the Arizona connecting them with the photos and words written by my father. My Mother raised six children alone.
With her dedication to her family she was able to educate us and give us a wonderful secure childhood.


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