Douglas Cloudster II


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Douglas Cloudster II

The Cloudster II was a small, one-of-a-kind transport using a tail-mounted propeller. It first flew in March 1947.

Herbert Stellhorn, e-mail, 28.02.2010 15:37

The Cloudster 2 was has 4 seats - 1 Pilot and 3 passanger - mit great Cockpit and two doors. The maschine has two (!) Continental E-250 engine of 250 PS, mounted side by side in after the cockpit. Firstfly on 12. March 1947 (s /n 43113 - NX 8000H). Tahe Cloudster hat great problems with engine-cooling and the projekt was cancelled.

Spann: 10,78 m, lengt: 12,13 m, high: 3,66 m, weight: 1451 kg, take-off weight: 2307 kg, max. speed 369 km /h, cruise speed 322 km /h, rate of climb 457 m /min., service ceiling: 6765m, range: 1530 km normal, 1890 km max.


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