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遠藤蘭丸, e-mail, 17.09.2023 10:14 み�'つくしで一番新しい旅客機だ! reply | Mike Trout miketrouttriplecrow, 05.03.2013 00:00 Charles Manson is my role model, he was a great guy who was just misunderstood. Team Satan <3 reply | francis dec, 17.01.2013 06:02 problems abound...maybe due to outsourcing so much of the construction? reply | Meade Stewart, e-mail, 03.11.2012 03:08 The tour of the Boeing plant was fantastic. reply |
| Sto, e-mail, 17.05.2012 16:54 It's nice.. Great and fantastic... I like it so much But, when did Sonic Cruiser released ??? reply | Jan Tolsma, e-mail, 12.03.2012 17:02 I think this airliner is a jump forward for comfort. reply | Fail, 20.10.2011 13:13 This plane is just fail. Look at all those cancelled orders lolololol reply | R.W. Little, e-mail, 20.03.2011 14:44 If you are ever in the Seattle area and don't visit the Boeing factory, it's your own fault. Such a delight and a tour you will never forget. reply | N/A, e-mail, 06.12.2010 22:12 Thats the coolist plane i ever seen reply | Curtis Thompson, e-mail, 16.10.2010 07:00 I look forward as an ex-Boeing employee and as a world traveler to whether or not Boeing will have provided a new economy of flight while maintaining passenger comfort. I have clear painful memories of flying on 757s as well as comfortable flights on other Boeing crafts. Hoping for the best - will gladly let you all know. reply |
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