Boeing 707


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Boeing 707

First flight Model 367-80, original prototype of 707 and 717, 15 July 1954; developed version ordered in large numbers by US Air Force as KC-135 (Model 717); commercial developments of prototype were 707 and 720. Last commercial 707 was 707-320C for Moroccan government delivered March 1982.

Total 1,010 commercial and military 707/720s ordered and delivered. Production ended mid-1991. Boeing Military Airplane offers tanker/transport conversions of ex-airline 707s; 707/720 conversions also offered by Israel Aircraft Industries and Comtran Ltd, USA.

Boeing 707

 ENGINE4 x P+W JT-3 D-3, 80.1kN
  Take-off weight148780 kg328005 lb
  Empty weight62370 kg137503 lb
  Wingspan44.4 m146 ft 8 in
  Length45.6 m150 ft 7 in
  Height12.9 m42 ft 4 in
  Wing area273.3 m22941.77 sq ft
  Cruise speed960 km/h597 mph
  Ceiling11000 m36100 ft
  Range w/max.fuel8690 km5400 miles
  Range w/max payload7885 km4900 miles

Comments1-20 21-40
ROSIE ROSENSTEIN, e-mail, 04.02.2015 05:44

PAN AM 1958-1991


George Haloulakos, CFA, e-mail, 25.06.2014 23:14

GREAT aircraft! The story of how Boeing bet the entire company on the 707, detailed cost breakdown of the program plus 60 years of corporate financial information and unit deliveries is all covered in chapter 1 of my new book.

Aviation as a Teaching Tool for Finance,
Strategy and American Exceptionalism
By George A. Haloulakos, MBA, CFA
ISBN: 9780-1007-2738-0
Order your copy online at:
Or by phone: 858-534-4557
"Partial proceeds support aviation heritage"


Leroy McVay, e-mail, 02.04.2014 19:35

Inspector on conversion of a KC135 to Airborne Air Early Warning. Big hush - hush. Mechanich went shopping, saw air magazine with story about our plane. Any thing and everything you would want to know aobut how it worked. Worked on ultra-vilot from rocket / aircraft exhaust. He took magazine to Air Force inspector's office and tossed it across his desk with comment,"So much for secruity!" Electronics were made by General Mills; someone brought in a Wheaties box top and taped it to rack.


Leroy McVay, e-mail, 24.02.2013 22:27

I woked early 707, 727. Daughter started with Boeing on 747 extended range. Grandson now working on 777. And the beat goes on! Once you get avation fuel in your blood it wount come out!


Pete, e-mail, 09.07.2012 01:02

The 707 was an outstanding, rugged airliner...highly reliable, seems it could take a beating and keep on flying...I worked for American for 15 yrs, and at one point AA operated about 120 707's of all models including the 720's...I flew millions of miles on the 707 and enjoyed every minute of it...when AA retired them about 1981, most had upwards of 54,000 hrs on the airframe....they were old and tired, but what a beautiful airliner aerodrynamically perfect...I saw them all lined up row after row of them at Marana Airpark, near Tuscon, just prior to there final flights and fate at the Boneyard, DMAFB..Tucson...Seems AA got about $1,000,000 a piece for them from Boeing Military Airplane Boeing represented the USAF in acquiring them for Parts recalamation for the KC-135's....I loved that 4 was one awesome bird...In the Early 1990's I saw them derelict sitting on the ground at DMAFB...I almost cried...I have the N number of everyone I flew on, along with hundreds of pictures, slides, film, details, (you name it) of the greatest airliner ever built "the Boeing 707".


leroy McVay, e-mail, 22.05.2011 00:44

PanAm 1, 'round the world' demonstration flight. Couldn't get engine to start in MX City, elevation around 7,500.' Problem was engines had a bleed off valve that was open until engine reached certain speed, couldn't get enough air to start. Pratt & Whitney engineer on board realized problem. Told mechanic to remove coveralls, roll up and hold against bleed valve; worked, engine started. Got a change order so valve would close at idle and stay closed until just above idle. Took care of that problem!


Leroy McVay, e-mail, 22.05.2011 00:30

American Airline #8. Engine run on flight line prior to first flight. I was inspector on port wing; engines 1 & 2. Started engine 3 on 'built in turbine starter.' Started #4, lead man ducked uner fuslage and signaled me for ok to start #2. I gave him okay and about that time we heard loud bang. Sort story; starter failed to dis-engage, went into over speed and discindergrated. Minor fire, minor damage to underside of starboard wing.


Lloyd, e-mail, 11.05.2011 20:36

Frankly, the best jet passenger plane ever built. I recall when McDonnell Douglas arrived on the scene with their DC-8 which was built as competition for the 707. No hesitation when i say it was not even close to the Boeing 707. No one gives credit to Boeing for having the insight to stretch and lift the 747 in order to accomodate more passengers per flight all the time flying the same systems as the 707.


lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 Lloyd



uncle mac, e-mail, 10.03.2011 21:32

Pan Am class of Oct 66 Navigator /engineer /and finally pilot.See the world before it destroyes itself. Did. Flew the 07 /720 /07B Advanced. Off to the 747


Mick Skinner, e-mail, 08.03.2011 09:16

The first Boeing A /C on my maint engineers licence on -436 and -336 models in the early 70's A fantastic airplane that paid for my first house. I was supervising the first U /C trunnion change done by an airline in house, 28 days worked by 3 teams 24 /7. BA also spliced on 17 feet of wing on one after an engine compressor failed on ground test, that A /C after many more years service ended up in the Smithsonion with no mention of the repair. I went on to manage B757 and Concorde maintenance, Manage the engineer training department and then the sale of B737's after many years of great service. Boeing airplanes are the Ford of the sky they do what it says on the box and with regular maintenance will last forever.


D, 24.02.2011 19:46

I flew the B707-100 and -300 at a base near Wash DC. We had 3 B models (-100) and 4 C models (-300). The mission of our squadron (AFII) was to provide our nation's leaders safe, comfortable, and reliable transportation. The aircraft were maintained very well and flew quite nicely. The B model (sportscar) had a smaller wingspan and was much more nimble and faster than the C model that sported both low and high speed ailerons like the current B767 wing. Two of the -707s that I flew were prior Presidential aircraft. The aircraft parked at KBFI in the Boeing Museum of Flight I personally flew there on its last flight from Boeing Wichita. I've also flown many times the 707 that is now parked in the Reagan Library. Great aircraft - all civilian Boeing types have built upon the initial -707 technology and improved and refined where necessary. Interesting fact: the -707s had 3 "turbocompressors" on engines 2,3, and 4, and although the FE and ATP written have questions about the TC and EPR settings for T /O, how many pilots really know what the TC was and its purpose? TCs didn't last long - look it up and learn more about aircraft design. Enjoy and Fly Safe!!


Larry Morrow, e-mail, 24.01.2011 21:44

I first flew the Boeing 707-300 in Jan.1989 on a transition from the left seat of a C-130 and I was pleasantly surprised to fine that it flew easier than the Herc did. The transition turned out to be rather easy. It was my first experience with a sweep /wing design and once I got used to that,it felt like my favorite pair of gloves. I flew the 707 both domestically and internationally for five years and I logged over 3,000 hours in it and I consider it one of the finest aircraft of the 150 different I have flown. I flew it for nine months during the Desert Storm build up. I have flown it in all kinds of weather both empty and at gross weight and it never once caused me a problems. I felt more at home after flying it for a month than any aircraft I have ever flown. After that first month I could consistently make good landings and even some that you couldn't even tell when you were on the ground. It is a fine aircraft and my hat goes off to the Boeing designers and engineers.


Leroy McVay, e-mail, 12.01.2011 06:15

I was on ground crew for first flight of 707 - 0001, a.k.a PanAm One. Also worked on first aircraft for 720, 707 -300 (Inter Contental, long range) and 727.


Russ Adams, e-mail, 13.12.2010 16:51

As a mechanic for AA I did alot of work on that 707-123 and 323 in JFK and Tulsa. The Pratt & Whitney engines were a pain to work on though and we had a saying... "You can see everything with a flashlight and a mirror!". I can still hear our now deceased day shift foreman Bob Breeze yelling out "close it up" towards the end of the shift at JFK. Sometimes during taxiing to the terminal or hangar the tower would ask to expidite as incoming traffic was getting close. Occasionally a hot-shot mech would accelerate enough and yank the nose off the ground.


nicknjax, e-mail, 21.10.2010 04:41

I left the navy in 63 and went to work for TWA. We used to do a total overhaul on 707,s in 1 week. Most military rework facilities take 6 months to do the same overhaul. I worked on Connies, 707's 88o's and 727's. Went back into navy in 65. Overhaul to boring.


James Klee, e-mail, 15.10.2010 06:45

My Dad flew the 707 for Braniff Airways. They flew an interchange to Vietnam w / PAA. He loved the inertial guidance system that PAA had on thier 707's that he got to fly overseas.


Robert Brown, CMSgt, USAF (Ret, e-mail, 19.09.2010 01:18

In the early 1950s while assigned to SAC Hqs (DM) there was much talk about the coming of "jet" age for the bomber force. There was a major need for a tanker that could refuel the jets. There was none on the drawing board that we knew about. In July 1963 I was part of a eam sent to Boeing, Seattle, for the KC-97G provisioning conferance, While there one of our officers heard about some top secret project Boeing was working on. He managed to get the OK for the two of us to visit this secret plane. At this time Boeing was footing the whole bill for it's developement. No Government funds involved, one of the reasons we were put through a briefing that what we saw could not be released until Boeing released it. When we entered the hanger with this "top secret" aircraft I was shocked. I had only seen the B36 and XC-99 that were larger. Boeing explained they hoped the plane could be (1)cargo, (2) passenger. (3) tanker aircraft. We looked at each other. This is just the answer to what we were working on at SAC, a tanker for jet aircraft. As we were led to the cockpit the office took the pilot' seat and begin to check out all the buttons and gages. I got tired of standing and took a seat in the co-pilot' seat. The Boeing guide turned to me and said "Congratulation Sergeant. You are the first military to set in the co-pilot' seat. Everyone wants to get the feel from the pilot' seat". So we kept our mouth shut for a few months about what we had seen at Boeing. A few months later, I think it was Boeing test pilot rolled her out for a demostration to some high brass. He did a barrel roll over Seattle, causing a few heart attacks. No one had ever seen such a massive plane doing that. The news was out and I could now say I had been in the co-pilot' seat long before it ever got into the air. In time it was called the 707, C-135, KC-135. It was, and still is, a beautiful plane.


John Hancocks, e-mail, 14.05.2010 08:56

Introduced to this aircraft in 1962 as a passenger from Monrovia to Heathrow...I distinctly recall the pilot's announcement over the Western Sahara that we were flying at 42,000 feet and looking out and downward onto a lunar landscape covered in haze - probably a sandstorm, a corona had formed. Probably the reason for that altitude. Last trip was Heathrow /Sydney via Tehran and Bangkok in 21 hours - 1973. No airbus then thank God.


Barry, 26.06.2009 14:04

It is curious to note that today's Boeing 737-800 high density medium range airliner carries the same amount of passengers almost as far as this redoubtable "intercontinental big jet".


Barry, 26.06.2009 14:04

It is curious to note that today's Boeing 737-800 high density medium range airliner carries the same amount of passengers almost as far as this redoubtable "intercontinental big jet".


1-20 21-40

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