First flown on 20 June 1951, the X-5 was built to investigate the aerodynamic effects of changing the degree of wing sweepback during flight. Its variable-geometry wings could be swept at angles varying from 20� to 60�. Two X-5s were built.
Bell X-5 on YOUTUBE
1 x Allison J35-A-17 tubojet, 2223kg
Take-off weight
4536 kg
10000 lb
5.66/9.39 m
19 ft 7 in / 31 ft 10 in
10.16 m
33 ft 4 in
3.66 m
12 ft 0 in
Max. speed
1046 km/h
650 mph
Jim, e-mail, 16.03.2015 16:48
I used the Langley spin tunnel model of this acft to recertify the spin tunnel at Wright Patterson when I was working on my MS in AE. I discovered that the acft had two different AOA's while in the spin mode. Only one was listed in the Langley test reports that I used for comparison in the recert of the WP tunnel.
The design of this aircraft was based upon information acquired after WW-II about the Messerschmitt P1101, which was a proposal for an advanced German fighter aircraft with "swing-wings" that never got beyond the design stage. However, the X-5 itself was never intended to be a combat aircraft, it was strictly an aerodynamic test-bed for the "swing-wing" concept.
Rudolph: In 1951, when the Bell X-5 flew,the North American F-86 was the Air Force's choice #1 fighter. The F-86 carried six 50. caliber machine guns and we'd have to assume that since the Air Force approved this armament of heavy machine guns (only) that they would also approve it if installed in the not too dissimilar Bell X-5. However it's only speculation.
this aircraft never carried weapons. if it did what type would it have used. please help me on this question. thank you rudolph puckett. boulder city nv. usa.
American engineers designed the Junkers 88, utilising American technologies in advanced construction techniques. American engineers built the X5 based on the design of the P1101 based on some engineering papers from 1937. The Germans had a Nazi Government, the Americans changed from Democrat to Republican government. For a NAZI plane, it didn't fly so good.