Yakovlev Yak-58


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Yakovlev Yak-58

Collapse of the Soviet Union and the urgent need for Konversiya projects resulted in Yakovlev producing this multi-role utility transport and business aircraft. Project directors are Yu I Yankevich and D K Drach; chief engineer is V I Baranov and the assigned test pilots A A Sinitsyn and Yu I Mitikov. A model was exhibited in mid-1990, and a full-scale mock-up in 1991. The wing was then enlarged from 14sq m to 20sq m, leaving the rest little changed, and a prototype was then built.

The Yak-58 programme is based at Tbilisi. Here the first prototype made its first flight on 26 December 1993 (though a recent article states that the first flight was made on 17 April 1994, the pilot being A S Vyatkin, who is not one of the assigned test pilots). This first aircraft was written off in an accident on 27 May 1994, but the second prototype began flight testing on 10 October 1994, and at the beginning of 1996 there were four prototypes on test, plus two static and fatigue test airframes. Production is now in hand at Tbilisi against letters of intent to purchase said to number 250.

Bill Gunston & Yefim Gordon "Yakovlev Aircraft since 1924", 1997

Yakovlev Yak-58A three-view drawing (1051 x 430)

  Take-off weight2125 kg4685 lb
  Empty weight1270 kg2800 lb
  Wingspan12.7 m42 ft 8 in
  Length8.55 m28 ft 1 in
  Wing area20.0 m2215.28 sq ft
  Max. speed290 km/h180 mph
  Cruise speed250 km/h155 mph
  Ceiling4000 m13100 ft
  Range1200 km746 miles

wanrendi, 20.06.2011 06:31

plus two static and fatigue test airframes. Production is now in hand at Tbilisi against letters of intent to purchase said to number 250.


Mike Green, e-mail, 22.08.2009 08:56

This little airplane could be easily re-designed (or modified) into a flying boat or a float plane. I have done some drawings with the engine mounted on a pylon up out of the way of water-spray problems.


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