Yakovlev Yak-5 (I-28)


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Yakovlev Yak-5 (I-28)

Originally proposed in parallel with the Ya-26 (I-26), the Ya-28 (I-28) was a dedicated high-altitude interceptor fighter developed in competition with the Mikoyan-Gurevich OKB's Kh (I-200). Flown in the late spring of 1941 - shortly after the I-30 alias Yak-3 - the high-altitude fighter had meanwhile been redesignated Yak-5 and its test programme had been delayed by development problems with its mechanically-driven two-stage Dollezhal supercharger. Possessing a fundamentally similar mixed structure to that of the Yak-1, but featuring a modified wing structure with automatic outboard leading-edge slats, the Yak-5 was powered by a Klimov M-105PD - the M-105P with the Dollezhal supercharger - rated at 1,220hp for take-off and 1,150hp at 2700m. Armament was similar to that of the Yak-1. To improve all-round vision for the pilot, the cockpit canopy was extended aft. Two further prototypes of the Yak-5 were built, but the two-stage supercharger proved troublesome, and this problem, coupled with the higher priority assigned to the "frontal" Yak-1, led to rejection of the Yak-5 as a production type. Nonetheless, flight testing continued and it was alleged that a speed of 650km/h was attained at 8500m, and that, during June 1942, an altitude of 12890m was reached by one of the Yak-5 prototypes.

Yakovlev Yak-5 (I-28)A three-view drawing (1680 x 1260)

  Empty weight2990 kg6592 lb
  Ceiling12000 m39350 ft
  Range460 km286 miles

beiguo, 20.06.2011 13:13

was attained at 8500m, and that, during June 1942, an altitude of 12890m was reached by one of the Yak-5 prototypes.


damian carrollcarroll.jonathan, e-mail, 12.11.2010 14:27

Did this plane compare in performance to ME 109 in the years 42 43


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