Yakovlev Yak-40


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Yakovlev Yak-40

Designed in the early 1960s as a feederliner to replace Lisunov Li-2s (Soviet-built DC-3s), the Yakovlev Yak-40 was required to operate from grass airfields or semi-prepared strips. The resulting aircraft has high-lift lightly-loaded wings and, for added safety, three- rather than two-engined powerplant. In configuration, the Yak-40 is a cantilever low-wing monoplane with retractable tricycle landing gear, rear-mounted engines and with accommodation for a flight crew of two or three and up to 32 passengers. The provision of a ventral rear door with airstair makes it possible to operate the Yak-40 from airfields with minimum facilities, and an onboard auxiliary power unit makes the type independent of ground equipment for engine starting and the maintenance of cabin heating and air-conditioning. The first flight of the prototype was made on 21 October 1966, the type entering revenue service with Aeroflot on 30 September 1968. When production ended in 1976 over 800 had been built. The majority of these are still in service in 1993, with both military and civilian operators. The type has the NATO reporting name 'Codling'.

Yakovlev Yak-40

 ENGINE3 x turbo-jet AI-25, 14.7kN
  Take-off weight12400 kg27337 lb
  Empty weight8500 kg18739 lb
  Wingspan25.0 m82 ft 0 in
  Length20.2 m66 ft 3 in
  Height6.5 m21 ft 4 in
  Wing area70.0 m2753.47 sq ft
  Cruise speed550 km/h342 mph
  Range w/max.fuel1600 km994 miles
  Range w/max payload600 km373 miles

Yakovlev Yak-40A three-view drawing (882 x 1398)

Miguel, e-mail, 16.06.2020 15:15

Can you tel me the Stall speed of this model?
Thank you


khaled tamam, e-mail, 11.05.2017 16:06

Yes, thank you
I know that production ended in 1981
I think it's not terribly big or dangerous
I can give it to the office Yakovlev
I am one of the innovative entrepreneurial designs of me personally
Some research and experimentation is required in the non-liquid or steel-based lifting system
(A new small aircraft is innovative without fuel)
(Новый инновационный небольшой самолет без топлива я проектирую мой старший)


omar, e-mail, 29.04.2013 14:31

is there any manyine about yak40 please??


khaled tamam, e-mail, 26.01.2013 12:50

تعديل البندتاسعافي الرسالة26\\ 1\\2013
مؤسس لمؤسسة فرديةفي الطياران المدني
وشكرا لكم واسف على اي اخطاء في الترجمة او الكتابة بسبب قدم الكمبيوتر الخاص بي


khaled tamam, e-mail, 26.01.2013 12:50

تعديل البندتاسعافي الرسالة26\\ 1\\2013
مؤسس لمؤسسة فرديةفي الطياران المدني
وشكرا لكم واسف على اي اخطاء في الترجمة او الكتابة بسبب قدم الكمبيوتر الخاص بي


khaled tamam, e-mail, 26.01.2013 00:14

الطائرة جيدة الصنع والمواصفات من حيث Good evening
اولا من حيث الشكل الخارجي
ثانيا من حيث عداد الركاب
ثالثا من حيث مدى مسافة الطياران
رابعامن حيث سقف التحليق
خامسا من حيس السعرحسب الحالة
سادسالاتوجد معلومات عن صيانتهاوقطع غيارهاوهل تصنع شركةYakovlevقطع غيارها وهل تقدم نظام الصيانة حتى الان والى متى
سابعا اوحيلت تك الطائرةفي بعض الدول الى المتاحف
ثامنا تعمل بشكل جيد في بعض الدول
تاسعا يمكن ان ابداء مشروع شراء الطائرة بعد خمس سنوات ان وجد نطام صيانة وتقسيط الثمن وتصريح العمل بها كا طائرة مدنية ودعم لى كا موئسس لموساسة خاصةفردية لطيران المدنى
عاشرا شكرا الى كل من ساهم في صنع الطائرة وكل من قدم عروض عنها وكل من حافظ هلياوشكرا كثيرا علي هذا الموقع
خالد تمام محمد احمد ابراهيم كرام


khaled tamam mohmed, e-mail, 20.01.2013 03:18

Yakovlev Yak 40 Well made plane
Thanks to all who contributed in the aircraft industry
1000.000 Thanks senior design engineer yakovlev yak 40


khaled tamam, e-mail, 26.12.2012 19:08

Good evening, Mr. Aodricka Sorry you rate 40 ___ more than $ 300 and 000 This amendment mis previous message


khaled tamam, e-mail, 22.12.2012 01:57

Dear Mr. odarka Thank you for that page advertiser messages sent to you And I want to tell you that the price of yak 40 exceeded $ 300 and 00Invite me to be able to buy them in the future Thank you so much for your patronage and all information submitted by youSorry for any mistakes in the translationThank you very much happy with separate days Khaled tamam egypt


khaled tamam, e-mail, 15.11.2012 23:48

Internet Site good Yakovlev Aircraft Yak-40
Is it possible that I am asked for Yak 40
Thanks a lot khaled tamam from egypt


khaled tamam, e-mail, 02.10.2012 20:24

thank you mr odarka
khaled tamam forom egypt


khaled tamam, e-mail, 02.10.2012 20:23

thank you mr odarka
khaled tamam forom egypt


khaled tamam, e-mail, 30.09.2012 23:58

Good evening, I'm Khalid fully from Egypt
Olaa violate manufacture aircraft 1981 Does the company offer yak parts even today, and for how much
Is there a price to maintenance systems can I know
Secondly Are there places to store the plane belonged to the company producing the plane can be stored in the Caribbean Amoost and only prices
Third, those questions to Annie Inouye buy and one in the future and thank you
Khalid fully Mohammed tle0107678917egypt


Odarka, 16.09.2009 19:07

The production ended in 1981, not in 1976!


Cubertox, e-mail, 04.06.2009 13:43

I'm studing to fly that one.
Great plane.


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