| Rolled out at Novosibirsk on 25 October 1948 and first flown in January 1949, the Su-15, or Samolet P, was a single-seat all-weather interceptor. It was powered by two 2270kg RD-45F turbojets mounted in tandem, the forward engine exhausting beneath the centre fuselage and the aft engine exhausting via an orifice in the extreme tail. The pilot's pressurised cockpit was offset to port, a tunnel feeding air to the rearmost turbojet passing to starboard. The air intake was surmounted by a radome intended to accommodate Izumrud (Emerald) AI radar, the single-spar wings were sweptback 35� at quarter chord and armament comprised two 37mm cannon. During its 39th flight, on 3 June 1949, the Su-15 developed uncontrollable flutter, its pilot ejecting. At that time a second prototype was still incomplete and the development programme was abandoned.
Take-off weight | 10437 kg | 23010 lb |
Empty weight | 7409 kg | 16334 lb |
Wingspan | 12.87 m | 42 ft 3 in |
Length | 15.44 m | 51 ft 8 in |
Wing area | 36.00 m2 | 387.50 sq ft |
Max. speed | 1032 km/h | 641 mph |
Range | 1600 km | 994 miles |
 | A three-view drawing (1637 x 1060) |
Graham Clayton, e-mail, 12.02.2021 07:09 Unusual layout with the offset cockpit and engines mounted on top of each other - have any other jet fighter aircraft had these features? reply |
Paul Scott, e-mail, 24.01.2015 16:49 Strange-looking aircraft, but important in the early years development of Soviet aircraft. reply | 3VI, e-mail, 25.01.2012 17:26 Radar was a Toriy, not Izumrud. Rolled out September 1947. First flight attempt on 10 /11 /1947 and crash after became airborne (can we call it flight?). Then 11 /01 /1949 first real flight. Many troubles (eg. aeroelastic, flutter, vibrations), disaster on 3 /6 /1949 with pilot ejection and crash. reply | Thalb, e-mail, 28.11.2011 22:33 Imagine this aircraft with two axial-flow turbojets mounted side-by-side, it would be a sleek and elegant machine! Maybe it was intended this way, but the radial-flow turbojets originating from the British R.R. Nene could only fit that way. reply |
| hans2603, e-mail, 14.06.2011 18:20 f�r NADIA !!! im jahr 1949 wurde das konstruktionsb�ro von suchoj wegen erfolglosigkeit von stalin geschlossen . die erste arbeitsperiode endete mit der SU - 17 (modell R ). nach dem tod von stalin im m�rz 1953 wurde das konstruktionsb�ro neugegr�ndet . als erstes entstanden die beiden prototypen E-2A und E-5 . sie wurden sp�ter zur SU - 7B ( modell S22 )diese zweite schaffensperiode dauert bis heute an . (quelle : w.bergholz , russlands gro�e flugzeugbauer ) reply | bombardier, e-mail, 26.05.2011 09:49 This plane was very ugly reply | DebtMan, e-mail, 16.10.2010 03:25 Is a possible development of Me-163? reply | Nadia, 11.05.2010 06:23 Rare bird. Most people are confused because the same designation was later used again on SU-15 Flagon 1967 reply | 3VI, e-mail, 26.10.2007 16:41 Nearly impossible to see... reply |
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Yes, La-200 has very similar layouyt