Sikorsky S-16


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Sikorsky S-16

During the First World War most Russian squadrons flew French-designed aircraft, many of them built under licence. Sikorsky's single-seat S-13 and S-14 biplanes were probably not completed; the S-15 was a seaplane of the S-10 family. Three two-seat S-16s were built as trainers for bomber crews of the Squadron of Flying Ships in 1915, followed by about twenty-four more as two-seat S-16-2 and single-seat S-16-3 bomber escort and reconnaissance scouts with 80hp Gnome engines in 1916-17. A machine-gun was mounted under the top wing, firing clear of the propeller, until Engineer Lavrov invented an interrupter gear for a fuselage-mounted gun.

For winter operation, a number of S-16s were flown on skis in place of the standard four-wheel landing gear; at least one was fitted with twin floats in 1916. Contemporary accounts show that pilots enjoyed the stability, manoeuvrability and delicate controls of the S-16s, but they were outclassed by German fighters of the time.

Sikorsky S-16

Sikorsky S-16A three-view drawing (1278 x 944)

Frank Beard, e-mail, 16.10.2016 07:15

Desperately seeking original (or reproduction) plans for the Sikorsky S.16 Russian fighter aircraft. Anyone with directions to or possible leads, please contact me at I really need some help with this project...Help!



Frank Beard, e-mail, 26.09.2016 01:18

Came across this site researching the S.16. I am trying to locate full-scale construction plans. The Sikorsky Archives say they don't know what happened to them. Can anyone help me with this project? Right now I'm using old photos and Datafiles! Help!



Barry, 13.06.2016 17:10

Power plant 1 x 100 h.p. Gnome or 80 h.p Le Rhone rotary

Span 27'7" Length 20'4" Height 9'11 /2" Wing area 273 sq ft
Empty weight 897 lb Loaded weight 1,490 lb
Max speed 75 mph
Armament 1 x 7.7 mm Lavrov or Vickers gun


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