Polikarpov I-152


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Polikarpov I-152

Criticism of the "gulled" upper wing centre section of the I-15, which restricted the pilot's view for take-off and landing, led indirectly to major redesign of the fighter as the I-152 (I-15bis). The structure was restressed and extensively revised, a new Clark YH aerofoil was adopted, the span and area of the upper wing were increased, the wing centre section was carried above the fuselage by a cabane of splayed N-struts, and the 775hp M-25V engine was enclosed by a long-chord cowling. Fuel capacity was increased, but armament remained four 7.62mm guns. The I-152 was first flown early in 1937, production deliveries commencing mid-year. One of the first recipients of the I-152 was the Chinese Central Government, which was assigned 186 from late 1937 through early 1938 (an additional 86 being supplied later), and 31 reached Spain in January 1939 (a further 62 being held at the French frontier, of which 20 were subsequently released to the new Nationalist government). One example was fitted with two TK-3 turbo-superchargers as the I-152TK, one was equipped with a pressure cabin (Germeticheskaya kabina) as the I-152GK, and another was tested with DM-2 ramjets as the I-152DM. Production of the I-152 was phased out early in 1939, having totalled 2,408 examples, 60 squadrons being equipped with this type during 1939.

Polikarpov I-152A three-view drawing (1280 x 830)

  Take-off weight1834 kg4043 lb
  Empty weight1310 kg2888 lb
  Wingspan10.20 m33 ft 6 in
  Length6.27 m21 ft 7 in
  Wing area22.50 m2242.19 sq ft
  Max. speed364 km/h226 mph
  Range450 km280 miles

Polikarpov I-152

GUILLERMO, e-mail, 05.12.2008 13:02

buen dia; soy Guillermo Le Bras aeromodelista a escala y me gustaria tener fotos de un avion real con algunos detalles como cabina, ametralladoras, conjunto de cola, mandos, etc.
si toda esa informacion es posible se los agradeceria, un abrazo Guillermo


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