Polikarpov DI-2


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Polikarpov DI-2

Essentially a slightly scaled-up two-seat derivative of the I-3, the DI-2 was powered by a similar 750hp BMW VI 7,3 engine and possessed a similar structure. Armament consisted of two synchronised 7.62mm machine guns and two guns of the same calibre on a Scarff ring in the rear cockpit. Flight testing of the DI-2 commenced in 1929, but early in the programme the horizontal tail separated in flight as a result of flutter and further development was discontinued.

Polikarpov DI-2A three-view drawing (1280 x 896)

  Take-off weight2122 kg4678 lb
  Empty weight1557 kg3433 lb
  Wingspan11.80 m39 ft 9 in
  Length8.20 m27 ft 11 in
  Wing area31.80 m2342.29 sq ft
  Max. speed256 km/h159 mph
  Range510 km317 miles

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