Petlyakov Pe-2


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Petlyakov Pe-2

Arriving in small numbers in the ranks of the V-VS to witness the mass devastation of the summer of 1941, the Petlyakov Pe-2 was destined to become the best Soviet light bomber of World War II. The aircraft was derived from V.M. Petlyakov's VI-100 pressurized high-altitude twin-engined interceptor, which displayed a phenomenal top speed of 623km/h at 10,000m, had a crew of two and was powered by 820kW M-105R V-12 engines. The VI-100 first flew on 7 May 1939. With the approach of war in Europe the V-VS made urgent requests for dive-bomber aircraft, and to this end the design bureau adapted the VI-100 fighter by removing the TK-3 high-altitude turbo-chargers, fitting standard M-105R engines, lattice type dive-brakes, and giving the tailplane pronounced dihedral to increase stability. Two prototype PB-100 (pikiruyushchn bombardirovshchik, or dive-bomber) aircraft were built with these items installed in addition to an extensively glazed nose and defensive armament. This type became the Petlyakov Pe-2 light bomber and dive-bomber. The crew of three (pilot, bombardier and air-gunner) sat under a long glazed canopy with 9mm armour protection. Initial armament consisted of two fixed 7.62mm ShKAS guns in the nose, one in the dorsal station, and a fourth in the ventral aimed by a 120� vision periscope. The M-105R engines drove three-bladed VISh-61 propellers. The aircraft proved to be fast, highly manoeuvrable, but was guite demanding to novice pilots under asymmetric conditions. By the time of the German invasion in June 1941 some 458 Pe-2s had been produced from the factories, but it is suspected that deliveries to service units was tardy. Certainly, even by September 1941 the numbers of Pe-2s in front-line units were few. Colonel General I.S. Konev's Western Front had only five in commission with which to stem the German assault on Moscow, and the establishment of Pe-2s with the Bryansk and Kalinin Fronts was even lower. Although limited in numbers, Pe-2s contributed to the victories of the Soviet winter offensive of 1941-2, and were seen in increasing numbers during the defensive battles at Leningrad, Kharkov, Rostov, and in the Stalingrad campaign. Late in 1942 came the improved Pe-2FT with 940kW Klimov M-105PF engines, and a 12.7mm UBT machine-gun in a dorsal turret. The Pe-2I and Pe-2M were fighter-bombers, powered by 1208kW VK- 107A engines. The reconnaissance version was the Pe-2R, whilst a dual-control trainer was termed the Pe-2UT. The aircraft saw distinguished service in every major Soviet campaign from 1941 to 1945, including operations in Manchuria against the Japanese in September 1945. A total of 11,427 Pe-2s and Pe-3s (the fighter version) was produced.

Petlyakov Pe-2

 ENGINE2 x VK-105PF, 920kW
  Take-off weight8520 kg18783 lb
  Empty weight5870 kg12941 lb
  Wingspan17.2 m56 ft 5 in
  Length12.7 m42 ft 8 in
  Height4.0 m13 ft 1 in
  Wing area45.5 m2489.76 sq ft
  Max. speed581 km/h361 mph
  Cruise speed480 km/h298 mph
  Ceiling8800 m28850 ft
  Range w/max.fuel1200 km746 miles
 ARMAMENT3 x 12.7mm machine-guns, 2-4 7.62mm machine-guns, 600-1000kg of bombs

Petlyakov Pe-2

Klaatu83, e-mail, 18.02.2017 23:08

One of the best tactical aircraft of WW-II. The Pe-2 was not quite equivalent to the Mosquito, which was never really intended for the front-line ground-attack role. The British aircraft that performed a role more similar to that of the Pe-2 would have been the Hawker Typhoon. Perhaps the closest western equivalent to the Pe-2 was really the Douglas A-20 "Havoc", which was designed to fulfill the same role of tactical support to the front-line ground troops as was the Pe-2 even although, in actually operation, the A-20 was rarely employed in that manner.


Paul Scott, e-mail, 16.07.2016 20:11

Very similar look to the Mig-5


Mark, e-mail, 20.09.2012 17:37

Petlyakov Pe-2

��������� ��� ��������� �������������, �� ������ ��������� ���� ��� 2� ��������� ������. ��������������� ���� ��� 11.000 Pe-2 ���� �� �������� ��� �������. ���� ���������� ��������������, �������� ��� ��������� ��� ��������������� �� �������������, �������� ��� �������������
����������� ��� ��� Vladimir Petlyakov �� 1939 ��� ���� ����������� �� ���������� ��� ���� ������ ���� �����������. �� ����� Pe-2 ������ ��� ����� ��� 1940 ���, ���������� ���� ���������� ����������� �������� �� ������������ ���� �� 1941. ��������� ��� �������� �� Pe-3. ���������� �� 1954


Gerry Starkeson, e-mail, 09.08.2012 20:36

One of the best close-support aircraft in the Soviet Air Force WWII


mike, e-mail, 15.11.2011 09:31

the initial mosquitoes did have unsuitable glues for tropical climates but that was speedily rectified and the mosquito was as reliable in hot and steamy climates as it was in northern Europe and the fact it was made of wood was a triumph of British ingenuity and certainly no weakness.


paul, e-mail, 30.09.2020 mike

Thanks Mike


paul scott, e-mail, 23.08.2009 20:18

I've always liked this aircraft, sometimes referred to as Russia's 'Mosquito'. (Though that didn't mean it was made of wood, nor broke up in the far east!).


Leo Rudnicki, e-mail, 22.06.2009 21:37

Petlyakov designed the Pe-2 in a "designer's prison" where he and his staff were the guests of Lavrenti Beria and the NKVD. Papa Joe wasn't happy with progress on ANT42. He was pleased enough to release him upon completion, although he had to watch the first flight from prison. He got his own design bureau and the Pe-8 was re-designated in his honour. He died in the crash of a Pe-2 early 1942. Tough break. Sometimes, I know how he feels. Myasischev took over the bureau.


federico, e-mail, 22.06.2009 19:32

it's an error. Crew was of 3 man.


Alex, e-mail, 14.06.2009 13:21

If the crew consists of 2 men, who shoots from the under-paunch machine-gun?


Gerry Starkeson, e-mail, 16.01.2007 05:34

I made a paper silhouette model of the Pe2 from parts printed on the back of a cereal box (1944?). I was 3 years old. My first model.


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