Borovkov-Frolov I-207


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Borovkov-Frolov I-207

In 1937, Aleksei A Borovkov and Ilya F Florov established an experimental design bureau as OKB-7 with the object of creating the smallest possible practical single-seat fighter. The first prototype was completed before the end of 1937, and was of heavily-staggered cantilever biplane configuration with duraluminskinned light alloy wings, a fuselage of mixed construction (the forward portion being a duraluminskinned welded steel-tube structure and the aft portion, which included the cockpit, being a wooden monocoque with plywood skinning) and wooden tail surfaces. Power was provided by an 850hp Mikulin M-85 14-cylinder radial. Favourable test results led to two further refined prototypes being built as I-207s, these having Shvetsov M-62 and M-63 engines respectively and each carrying an armament of four 7,62-mm ShKAS machine guns. A pre-production series of four I-207s was ordered in 1938, one being powered by the 1,100hp M-63 nine-cylinder radial, two having the 1,000hp M-62 nine-cylinder radial and the fourth having a geared M-63R engine and a side-hingeing cockpit canopy, all having retractable main undercarriages. The I-207/M-63 attained a speed of 298 mph (480 km/h) at 14,765 ft (4 500 m) during State Trials in the summer of 1939, but the appearance of more advanced fighters resulted in the 1-207 being discarded, although both I-207/M62s were allegedly employed operationally against the Finns during 1939-40.

Borovkov-Frolov I-207A three-view drawing (1690 x 1273)

 ENGINE1 x 1000hp �-63
  Take-off weight1879 kg4143 lb
  Empty weight1521 kg3353 lb
  Wingspan6.98 m23 ft 11 in
  Length6.34 m21 ft 10 in
  Height3.46 m11 ft 4 in
  Wing area18.00 m2193.75 sq ft
  Cruise speed405 km/h252 mph
  Ceiling10200 m33450 ft
  Rate of climb1087 m/min3550 ft/min
  Range640 km398 miles
 ARMAMENT4 x 7.62mm

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