Antonov An-10


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Antonov An-10

Design of the An-10 airliner began in November 1955 and the prototype (named Ukraina) first flew in March 1957. Subsequently more than 500 An-10/10A are believed to have been built. The An-10 was the initial version with accommodation for 84 passengers and a 'play-room' for children at the rear. It entered service in July 1959 on routes from Simferopol to Moscow and Kiev. The An-10A developed version had a 2m longer fuselage and accommodated 100 to 130 passengers. It entered service in February 1960. An-10A also operated on skis in the far north of the Soviet Union. No An-10/10A were exported and Aeroflot withdrew the airliners in 1973. Both versions had the NATO reporting name Cat.

Antonov An-10

 ENGINE4 x turbo prop AI-20K, 2940 kW
  Take-off weight55000 kg121255 lb
  Empty weight30500 kg67241 lb
  Wingspan38.0 m125 ft 8 in
  Length37.0 m121 ft 5 in
  Height9.8 m32 ft 2 in
  Wing area120.0 m21291.67 sq ft
  Max. speed725 km/h451 mph
  Cruise speed660 km/h410 mph
  Ceiling10000 m32800 ft
  Range w/max.fuel4000 km2486 miles
  Range w/max payload1200 km746 miles

Sergei, e-mail, 23.11.2010 16:44

"The An-10A developed version had a 2m longer fuselage and accommodated 100 to 130 passengers."
-10A has ABSOLUTELY the same airframe as An-10 but rear pressure bulkhead was movedd about 7" aft - so it has bigger space for passengers. It's almost impossible to distinguish strait "10" from "10A" other than by c /n or registration

"It entered service in February 1960. An-10A also operated on skis in the far north of the Soviet Union."
An-12 (cargo ramp version of An-10 /12 family) really did, but An-10 never


Sergei, e-mail, 23.11.2010 16:34

In fact only 108 production An-10 and -10A were manufactured. No "fatal problems with lateral instability" were experienced during life of that airplane. The fatal crash on approach to Kharkov occured not in 1973 but in 1972 and it was due to cracks in the wing spars, stringers and wing panels at the wings' root which led to collapse of both wings. After that accident An-10s were removed only from sheduled public passenger service while remained for the rest of decade as "factory hacks" and also flew for military. The very last An-10 remained airworthy until turn of decade...


Phil, e-mail, 22.10.2010 23:33

These aircraft had a design deficiency with the rear fuselage that resulted in lateral instability problems and a number of them were in fatal crashes culminating with a bad one in Kharkov in 1973 resulting in their immediate and permanent removal from service. Note that there were many rear fin /strake configurations.


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