Meteor FL.54

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Meteor FL.54

There is no text information for this aircraft at the moment.

Claudio Dante, e-mail, 02.08.2017 22:23

I owned a FL54 from 1979 to 1994 Call sign I-FELN. MTOW Was 700Kg


suzanne, e-mail, 12.05.2017 22:51

What is the MTOW for this FL54 aircraft?


Barry, 03.02.2016 12:34

This was a progressive improvement of the AVIA FL3, Meteor having purchased the design authority in 1948. Further information may be found in the incorrectly attributed Azionari page on this site.


Angelo Pastore, e-mail, 22.04.2012 10:50

i owned a FL 54 for little less ten. 5 years in 1992 to 1996. the aircraft Washington italin registrer� with I-BURI call sign. Engineering Washington Continental 90 /12f . Emottisi weight 524kg. The plane Was a bit underpowered but a nice flyer. i have pictures and video of the plane that I can send . L'et� me know. Regards


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