Caproni Ca.101


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Caproni Ca.101

The Ca.101 D2 was a high-wing strut-braced cabin monoplane powered by three 179kW Alfa Romeo D2 uncowled radial engines. It was built in limited numbers as a colonial bomber-transport and achieved notoriety in the Italian campaign in Abyssinia during 1935-6. Strongly constructed and fitted with Handley Page leading-edge slats, the Ca.101s were slow but tough and were effective in providing the advancing Italian columns with bombing support and supplies. Their poor performance was not a problem as there was no air opposition. Armament comprised four 7.7mm machine-guns firing from a retractable dorsal turret, a ventral bulge and lateral window ports. The bomb load was carried externally under the fuselage.

Although a few civil Ca.101s were flown on colonial passenger routes for several years (with various Walter, Piaggio and Alfa Romeo engines of 149-313kW), the military Ca.101s were withdrawn from first-line service immediately after the Abyssinian campaign. A development of the Ca.101 was also produced for the Regia Aeronautica as the Ca.102, powered by four engines in tandem pairs and with a nose-gunner's position. At least one was flown experimentally.

Caproni Ca.101A three-view drawing (692 x 850)

 ENGINE3 x Piaggio "Stella VII", 275kW
  Take-off weight5135 kg11321 lb
  Empty weight3435 kg7573 lb
  Wingspan19.7 m65 ft 8 in
  Length14.4 m47 ft 3 in
  Height3.9 m13 ft 10 in
  Wing area61.7 m2664.13 sq ft
  Max. speed250 km/h155 mph
  Cruise speed205 km/h127 mph
  Ceiling6000 m19700 ft
  Range w/max.fuel1000 km621 miles
 ARMAMENT2-4 machine-guns, 500kg of bombs

Caproni Ca.101

Fabrizio Egizi, e-mail, 20.06.2024 18:18

can you help me to get infos about CA.101 I-ABID for the raid Taliedo (Italy) - Teheran (Persia).
Pilot Giovanni Lavaggi.


ubaTaeCJ, e-mail, 21.02.2025 Fabrizio Egizi



James Lemoyne, e-mail, 28.05.2015 18:07

Two of them were piloted by Mussolini's sons, Bruno and Vittorio during the invasion of Abyssinia in 1935.


Noname, e-mail, 31.03.2020 10:24

Ca.101s were withdrawn from first-line service immediately after the Abyssinian campaign


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