| First flew in 1969. Entered production in 1972.
CREW | 2 |
ENGINE | 2 x Rolls-Royce/Turbo Union RT172 "Adour", 31.8kN |
Take-off weight | 11000-15500 kg | 24251 - 34172 lb |
Wingspan | 8.7 m | 29 ft 7 in |
Length | 16.4 m | 54 ft 10 in |
Height | 4.9 m | 16 ft 1 in |
Wing area | 24.0 m2 | 258.33 sq ft |
Max. speed | 1350 km/h | 839 mph |
ARMAMENT | 2 x 30mm machine-guns, 1000kg of bombs |
 | A three-view drawing (1000 x 428) |
lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 05:46 20 reply | Barry, 18.02.2013 12:33 As usual with so called "collabarative programmes" nobody actually gets what they really want. The French took on this aeroplane as a trade off for the R.A.F. buying their helicopters. They put no effort behind selling it elsewhere in the world prefering to back their own indigenous companies such as Dassault. One has to remember though that only 50% of the contemporary Mirage F1 is made by Dassault the same as the Jaguar. However, after much work and in house improvements the R.A.F. ended up with a pretty good and reliable tactical reconnaissance aircraft. That is until such time that the politicians stepped in and got rid of it as the money needed to keep it flying was going to be needed in foreign aid to enable some third world despot and his family to buy yet another palace, private jet and home in Monte Carlo. reply | malu, 18.06.2011 12:30 By the time it was retired by the RAF it was a superb ground attack / close air support aircraft much admired by air & ground crew alike. reply | Phil, e-mail, 02.04.2011 12:15 The engines are Rolls-Royce /Turbomeca not R-R /Turbo-Union! reply |
| David Saunders, e-mail, 19.12.2010 17:29 Still in production under licence in india at the time of writing. reply | Dave Saunders, e-mail, 19.12.2010 17:23 Fond memories of the Jaguar at RAF Coltishall during the early 80s.Easy to work on & maintain & very reliable if a little underpowered in those days.By the time it was retired by the RAF it was a superb ground attack / close air support aircraft much admired by air & ground crew alike. reply | a.casais, e-mail, 09.12.2010 21:20 the Lightnight!!! reply | a.casais, e-mail, 09.12.2010 21:11 the overwings sidewinders is for sure a british idea, coming from...........? reply | Ian, e-mail, 08.10.2010 23:55 Great little machine, looked the business too, esspecially with the overwing sidewinders. Typical of the MOD to retire them all so soon after an expensive upgrade. reply | DAVE HIGSON, e-mail, 10.09.2010 22:03 worked on jag air intakes for 20 years at bellhouse hartwell aircraft company , great little aircraft reply | Ian Milne, e-mail, 11.06.2008 10:43 great museum. thoroughly enjoyed trawling through all the aircraft. Jaguar has a crew of 1. it was a single-seater although there were a few 2 seaters used for pilot training. crew 1 reply |
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