Messerschmitt Me 329


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  FIGHTER-BOMBERVirtual Aircraft Museum / Germany / Messerschmitt  

Messerschmitt Me 329

Project for a tailless, two-seat fighter-bomber. Only an unpowered glider prototype was built.

 ENGINE2 x 1750hp Daimler-Benz DB 603

Barry, 04.06.2014 18:55

There really is some tosh written below about this aeroplane. Firstly it has as much in common with a Vulcan as it does with a Vimy. It was and never was intended to be a jet aircraft. Even the spec above identifies the engines as DB603, although Jumo 213 engines were also considered both driving a 3.4 meter pusher propellor. The concept was drawn up from two competing designs from Walter Lippisch and Dr Hermann Wurster. Willy Messerschmitt combined the designs had had the detail drawn up for the aircraft to be built in wood using as many parts as possible from Me410. This aeroplane was to be a heavy fighter, an escort fighter, a reconnaisance aircraft, a dive bomber and a fighter bomber. The armament was to include 4 x 20mm MG150 /20 cannon in the nose with 2 x MK103 30mm cannon in the wing roots plus a single remote MG150 /20 20mm cannon in a barbette in the tail fired remotely from the cockpit by the second crew member, using a periscope sight. In addition there was to be an internal bomb bay which would take some 2,400 kg. of bombs. With an estimated speed of 426 mph at 41000 feet and a range of 1,566 miles this would have been quite a formidable opponent, but yet again all too little too late.


Vince, 31.12.2011 04:44

My great grampa worked on this project from 44-45 and he has all of these documents from the me 321 and 323 its great but its in german wich is cooler!


bingshuya, 18.06.2011 06:16

similar avro vulcan windspan


a.casais, e-mail, 28.10.2010 21:06

OHH, yes looks like a vulcan, but if that plane could it be inthe skies seems a major menacethan the british vulcan, just only for his look.


pemburu malam, e-mail, 09.10.2010 03:26

Very similiar to Avro Vulcan, the jet engine buried in the wing


bao, e-mail, 29.12.2009 05:28

In the picture is actually the mock up


joe, e-mail, 12.04.2009 01:10

sweet i love it


bao, e-mail, 06.01.2009 13:43

I see this in luft 46 .com and it is right the plane only have glider prototype and it is has one more real plane unsucessfully


frank, e-mail, 11.10.2008 02:54

similar avro vulcan windspan


peTeR, e-mail, 01.03.2008 13:23



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