Horten Ho-III


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  GLIDERVirtual Aircraft Museum / Germany / Horten  

Horten Ho-III

In 1938 the Hortens set up a facility at Berlin's Tempelhof Airport, where they constructed the Ho III sailplane. This was in effect a scaled-up Ho II, and was fitted with a retractable tandem-wheel undercarriage. Four Ho Ills were built, one of which was fitted with an engine, the propeller blades folding in flight to reduce drag.

Horten Ho-IIIA three-view drawing (800 x 310)

The Ho IIID was the only one of Horten

dashanya, 21.06.2011 07:00

any plans out there or any ideas how to do this? This from and old ultralight pilot.B-safe


Ta-183 Huckebein, 16.05.2010 16:49

It would have made an awesome combat glider during WWII


karl, e-mail, 31.12.2008 11:21

Yes, there are prone flying position controls drawings.
They show up when doing an in depth internet search on
flying wings.


Dean, e-mail, 21.09.2008 04:25

is the any place were plans for any of the Horten aircraft would be? I am interested in the controls of the prone flying position. Let me know, any body. Thanx,



Dean, e-mail, 17.08.2008 18:51

this would be a great way to fly todays flying wing aircraft( U-2, B-10, etc.) any plans out there or any ideas how to do this? This from and old ultralight pilot.B-safe


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