Heinkel He 119


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Heinkel He 119

Experimental two-seat reconnaissance aircraft. The He 119 had a DB 606 or DB 610 'double' engine, buried in the fuselage, driving a propeller in front of the transparent, unstepped nose. To streamline the aircraft even more, it used surface radiator cooling instead of conventional radiators. It set a speed record before WWII; attempts to create a bomber from it were abandoned early in WWII. Eight were completed.

Heinkel He 119

Heinkel He 119A three-view drawing (1304 x 826)

wanhua, 20.06.2011 13:40

This was the fastest aircraft at the time in the German Luftwaffe. It was also very clean and had little drag.


Francis Maign�, e-mail, 22.12.2009 11:54

He 119
He 119 V1 : Monomoteur de bombardement et de reconnaissance � grande vitesse, biplace en c�te-�c�te dans la pointe avant vitr�e, pointe avant travers�e par l'arbre de transmission passant entre les deux pilotes et entra�nant l'h�lice, monoplan voilure mi-basse
en V tr�s aplati cantilever droite, monod�riuve, empenna ge horizontal classique cantilever, train d'atterrissage classique escamotable, le train principal vers l'int�rieur dans l'�paisseur de l'intrados de la voilure, la roulette de queus vers l'arri�re. Construction enti�rement m�tallique. 1moteur tractif Daimler-Benz DB 606 de 2350 Cv, (2 moteurs V 12 invers�s accoupl�s), h�lice tripale m�tallique � pas variable, E: 15,89 m, L: 14,79 m, H: 5,40 m, PV: 5200 Kg, PTC: 7585 Kg, P /p: 3,227 Kg /Cv, Vm: 656 Km /h, Auto: 3120 Km. 1er vol: mi- 1937
He 119 V2 : Version avec radiateur de refroidissement pro�minent.
He 119 V3 : Version hydravion avec deux flotteurs en catamaran. Vm: 570 Km /h.
He 119 V4 : Version d�truite apr�s un atterrissae force apr�s un vol � plus de 595 Km /h.
He 119 V5, V6, V7 et V8 : Prototypes de versions de reconnaissance et de bombardements qui ne seront jamais fabriqu�es.
Production totale : 8 prototypes.


Kodi Vialle, 21.03.2008 03:34

This was the fastest aircraft at the time in the German Luftwaffe. It was also very clean and had little drag.


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