Heinkel He 118


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Heinkel He 118

Two-seat monoplane dive bomber, a sleek aircraft with a quasi-elliptical wing. The He 118 was larger and more refined than its competitors, with an internal bomb bay and retractable landing gear. But the He 118 could not safely exceed a diving angle of about 50 degrees, while the Ju 87 could be dived vertically. Of the 13 built, two were delivered to Japan, were they influenced the design of the D4Y. The He 118 is best known for its role in the testing of jet engines.

Heinkel He 118A three-view drawing (1329 x 659)

Anonymous, 30.09.2022 20:33

An unsuccessful rival for the Luftwaffe dive bomber contract which lost out to the famous Junkers Ju87 Stuka. In many respects, the He118 was actually better than the Ju87.


Francis Maign�, e-mail, 22.12.2009 11:56

He 118
He 118 V1 : Monomoteur de bombardement en piqu�, biplace en tandem sous verri�re s'ouvrant en coulissant vers l'arri�re,
monoplan voilure basse cantilever en W tr�s aplati, monod�rive, empennage horizontal classique cantilever, train d'atterrissage
escamotable � roues ind�pendantes s'escamotant vers l'ext�rieur, roulette de queue non r�tractable. Construction enti�rement m�tallique. 1moteur de 12 cylindres en V Rolls-Royce Buzzard de 825 cv, h�lice quadripale m�tallique � pas variable E: 15,09 m, L: 11,80 m, H: 4,18 m, Sa: ? m�. 1er vol: �t� 1937, 1er prototype.
He 118 V2 � V5 : Prototypes. 1 moteur de 12 cylindres en V invers� Daimler Benz DB 600C de 910 cv. 4 prototypes.
He 118A-0 : Version de s�rie. 1 moteur de 12 cylindres en V invers� Daimler Benz DB 600C de 910 cv, h�lice quadripale
m�tallique � pas variable, E: 15,09 m, L: 11,80 m, H: 4,18 m, Sa: ? m�, Pv: 2700 Kg, Ptc: 4120 Kg, P /p: 4,527 Kg /cv, Vm: 385 Kmh, Auto: 1050 Km, Armement: 2 mt MG 17 de 7,92 mm dans le bord d'attaque de la voilure, tirant en dehors du champ de l'h�lice, 1 mt dans le poste arri�re, 250 Kgs de bombes en soute interne, ou 1 bombe de 500 Kg lorsque l'appareil est utilis� en solo. 10 exemplaires.
Production totale: 15 exemplaires, dont 2 prototypes, (V4 et V5), fournis au Japon.


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