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 | A three-view drawing (800 x 489) |
Oldgunny, e-mail, 11.01.2016 03:05 Make that, "With the large thirst the early turbojets had" reply | Oldgunny, e-mail, 09.01.2016 23:12 With such a small airframe the Focke-Wulf Ta 183 could not have carried much fuel. With the large thrust the early turbojets had, it could only have been a "point defense" weapon. That would made it of little use in stopping the overwhelming number of bombers the US was sending into Germany at the time. Wars are not won or lost by one or two "Wonder Weapons". The combined industrial might of the Allies could not have been defeated by Hitler's last minute gadgets. Also, remember that the US had the Lockheed P80 coming off the assembly lines in February 1945, and the UK had the Gloster Meteor in production and the De Havilland D.H.100 Vampire coming on line. reply | D. Serio, e-mail, 28.04.2015 15:12 The wind-tunnel model and 3-view drawing are the Type I designed by Hans Multhopp, color profile is Type II designed by Kurt Tank (rejejected by RLM). The plane that flew in Argentina was heavily redesigned by Tank and cannot be used as an example to say that Multhopp's original design would or would not have been successfull. reply | Fardad Izadi, e-mail, 22.02.2014 12:05 The MIG-15 is a good copy of this beautiful aircraft exept its more expanded boddy & highest total drag (of the MIG), bacause of the centrifugal type jet engine. reply |
| Misha, e-mail, 14.04.2013 15:56 This plane is a fighter and it does not look real. reply | Lufftwaffe 1946.com, 11.11.2012 23:27 Right after WW2 the Russians captured an air base it had a wind Tunnel test model and the russians of course got it made VERY big improvements on it like tail,flaps,gun placement,cockpit and thats how the MIG-15 was born reply | aidan van wagoner, e-mail, 23.02.2012 04:29 That is a very small air craft, from front to back. I think joe (second to bottom) is right it does look like a Mig-15; except it seems to be smaller. I also agree with Ta-183(third to bottom).this would have been a big blow to the Allies. reply | Kevin Morrow, e-mail, 27.06.2011 15:39 Dr. Kurt Tank also designed the Tail wing for the Handly Page Victor. reply | malu, 21.06.2011 05:52 The latter tail unit was meant to be interchanged with the Design II tail unit for comparison tests. Armament consisted of two MK 108 30mm cannon located in the top, forward reply | - 3VI -, e-mail, 25.02.2011 14:06 Saying that MiG-15 was born by coupling RR engine and this airframe is an oddity. Mikoyan and Gurevic developed their own line of designs in wich only the swept wing german experience was taken. MiG-15 was a really different plane!!! reply | M G Shore, e-mail, 24.01.2011 12:08 Despite all comments a version of the TA 183 was built, by Kurt Tank, in Argentina, after the war, it was flown by the Focke Wulf chief test pilot who described it as the worst aircraft he had ever flown. It killed him on the second flight reply | F.K. Smith, e-mail, 06.01.2011 00:40 Dr. Kurt Tank at Focke-Wulf was the design genius behind this airframe. The reason it did not fly was the Luftwaffe didn't have an engine to match the airframe. 'Dolf didn't want anyone to KNOW about this plane until it was "ready."
When the Russians entered Berlin, the airframe was seized as a spoil of war. To shrink a great story, as part of Lend-Lease the Brits gave Russia a number of Rolls-Royce Nene turbines, which Dr. Vladimir Klimov "reverse-engineered" to create the VK-1 turbine engine. It was mated with the reverse-engineered TA-183 by the Mikoyan Design Bureau, and the MiG-15 was born.
Interesting that the prime enemy aircraft in Korea (and early Viet Nam) was a German airframe and an English engine. reply | pemburu_malam, e-mail, 09.10.2010 03:20 MiG-15 and F-86 Design inspired by this jet fighter reply | Jim Maloney, e-mail, 05.10.2010 04:01 Instead of saying...this plane didnt go operational... you should hahe said... Thank god it did'nt reply |
| Ta-183, 15.05.2010 16:54 Its a pity this aircraft didnt go operational. It would've been big blow to the Allies since it was designed to be armed with X-4 guided missiles. reply | Joe McGuire, e-mail, 11.01.2010 19:57 Question, rather than comment: Was this A /C a strong influence to the Russians in the evolution of the Mig-15? reply | aleksandar vasovic, e-mail, 25.09.2008 16:09 according to www.luft46.com This was the second design of the Focke-Wulf Ta 183 jet fighter. It was similar to the Ta 183 Design II, except the wings were swept back at 35 degrees and the cockpit was set farther aft. Also, the tail unit was of a more conventional design, with a curvilinear sweep of the fuselage into the vertical tail. The horizontal tail planes were mounted lower than the first design, which were placed atop the vertical fin. There were two versions of the Design III, one in which the tail curved into the fuselage (see three-view above) and another where the tail unit faired straight into the fuselage (see drawing below). The latter tail unit was meant to be interchanged with the Design II tail unit for comparison tests. Armament consisted of two MK 108 30mm cannon located in the top, forward fuselage. reply |
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