Focke-Wulf Fw 57


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Focke-Wulf Fw 57

Twin-engined, three-seat strategic fighter. The Fw 57 was a contemporary of the Bf 110, with which it competed for orders. It featured a powered dorsal gun turret, and a glazed nose with twin semi-flexible cannon operated by the third crewmember. The Fw 57 was overweight and underpowered. Three built.

kuaishanren, 18.06.2011 06:03

It featured a powered dorsal gun turret, and a glazed nose with twin semi-flexible cannon operated by the third crewmember. The Fw 57 was overweight and underpowered. Three built.


Francis Maign�, e-mail, 22.12.2009 12:18

Fw 57
Bimoteur de chasse-bombardement ( Kampfzerst�rer), triplace sous verri�re, monoplan voilure basse cantilever, monod�rive, em pennage horizontal classique, train d'atterrissage escamotable et roulette de queue. Construction m�tallique. 2 moteurs de 12 cylindres invers� Daimler-Benz DB 600-A de 2 x 910 Cv, h�lices tripales m�talliques � pas variable, E: 25,00 m, L: 16,40 m, H: 4,08 m, Pv: 6800
Kg, Ptc: 8300 Kg, Vm: 404 Kmh, Pl: 9100 m, Armement: 2 canons MG FF de 20 m /m dans le nez et 1 canon MG FF de 20 m /m en tourelle dorsale Mauser. 1936. 3 prototypes


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