Focke-Wulf Fw 56 Stösser


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Focke-Wulf Fw 56 Stösser

Single-seat parasol-wing monoplane powered by a 179kW Argus As. 10C engine and first flown in 1933. Developed as a fighter for the Luftwaffe and exported to Austria and Hungary, it later became an advanced flying, radio, gunnery and bombing trainer, remaining in production until 1940.

Barry, 17.08.2012 13:01

This was the first aircraft that was designed by Kurt Tank after he arrived from Bayerishe Flugzeugwerke, although he had a great deal of input on the FW44 Steiglitz after Heinrich Focke started to concerntrate on rotary winged aircraft. Over 1000 Fw 56 were produced and were still in use as advanced trainers at the end of the war.


zhaoman, e-mail, 18.06.2011 05:33

Iam interested in building a Scale Model of this
Aircraft. Require, a drawing of the undercarriage, strut and wheel, attachment.


wlkriessmann, e-mail, 26.09.2010 01:46

I felt like a fighter pilot-Sept. 14th 1939 when I took FW 56 IRRI at the Puchhof airfield up into the air Never saw it again. wlk


Francis Maign�, e-mail, 22.12.2009 12:13

Fw 56 St�sser
Fw 56 V1 : Monomoteur d'entra�nement avanc�, monoplace � ciel ouvert, monoplan voilure parasol contrevent� par des m�ts en oblique, empennage horizontal coiffant un embyon de d�rive, gouverne de direction classique, train d'atterrissage fixe � jambes ind�pen dantes et b�quille de queue. Construction en tubes d'acier soud�s recouverts de panneaux m�talliques � l'avant et entoil� � l'arri�re, voi lure en bois et entoilage. 1 moteur de 8 cylindres en V invers� Argus As 10C de 240 Cv,h�lice bipale � pas fixe.1er vol : Novembre 1933. 1 prototype
Fw 56 V2 : Appareil avec atterrisseur modifi� et aile enti�rement m�tallique.1 prototype
Fw 56 V3 : Appareil avec de nouvelles jambes de train et une voilure semblable au V1.F�vrier 1934. 1 prototype
Fw 56 A-0 : Appareils de pr�s�rie avec diverses modifications de la voilure et du capot moteur.2 Mt MG 17 de 7,92 m /m et un ra telier pour l'emport de 3 bombes d'exercice de 10 Kg.3 exemplaires
Fw 56 A-1 : Version de s�rie, 1 moteur de 8 cylindres en V invers� Argus As 10c de 240 Cv, h�lice bipale avec pas variable, E : 10,50 m, L: 7,70 m, H : 3,55 m, Sa : 14 m�, Pv : 695 Kg , Ptc : 995 Kg, Vm : 278 Kmh � 0 m, Pl : 6200 m, Df : 400 Km. Armement : 2 Mg 17 de 7,92 m /m.
Production totale : 1000 exemplaires


Larry Pierce, e-mail, 17.11.2007 00:40

Hello There: Iam interested in building a Scale Model of this
Aircraft. Require, a drawing of the undercarriage, strut and wheel, attachment.


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