Dornier Do 10 (C4)


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Dornier Do 10 (C4)

The Do C4, later renamed Do 10, was a two-seat parasol monoplane fighter. It was unsuccessful, and used as testbed for a tilting engine installation.

juezui, e-mail, 18.06.2011 06:32

Armament was to consisit of 2 fixed forward firing MG08 /15 guns and 1 twin MG 08 /15 on a flexible mounting in the rear.


Barry, 11.01.2010 17:01

Three models planned each with a different engine. The first with Rolls Royce Kestrel IIIS, the second with a BMW VIA and the last with a Hispano Suiza 12 Xbrc. Only two models were built useing the BMW engine. The two went to RDL Erprobungsstelle Staaken for testing in 1931. Armament was to consisit of 2 fixed forward firing MG08 /15 guns and 1 twin MG 08 /15 on a flexible mounting in the rear.


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