Francis Maign�, e-mail, 21.12.2009 18:18 CS 14 Monomoteur de chasse, biplace en c�te � c�te � ciel ouvert, biplan contrevent� par deux m�ts en N inclin�s vers l'avant, plan inf�rieur l�g�rement d�cal� vers l'arri�re, monod�rive, empennage horizontal classique, train d'atterrissage classique fixe � essieu, b�quille de queue. Construction bois et entoilage. 1 moteur tractif de 12 cylindres en V Napier Lion IV de 490, h�lice bipale en bois � pas fixe, E: 10,00 m, L: 6,58 m, H: 2,97 m, Sa: 3,700 m�, PV: 1130 Kg, Equipage: 160 Kg, PTC: 1780 Kg, C /a: 57,980 Kg /m�, P /p: 3,632 Kg /Cv, Vm: 250 Km /h � 0 m, Vc: 210 Km /h, Pla: 4200 m, Auto: 800 Km, 2 mitrailleuses MG de 7,9 mm entre les cylindres avec 500 coups par arme. 1924. reply |
Mike, e-mail, 17.02.2008 01:53 This is NOT a German aircraft.
The Caspar C.J.14 was a single-seat Danish fighter built and flown in 1925 by the Dansk-Aero Industrie Aktielkabet, of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Top speed with the 300 hp Hispano-Suiza engine shown was approximately 170 mph, and slightly faster with the 380 hp Siddeley Jaguar radial engine fitted later.
Coloring was over-all bright red with black cylinder blocks and Danish markings (Note the vertical white bar on the vertical tail, and the just barely visible horizontal white cross-bar a little over half-way up the vertical white bar. This is the Danish white cross as featured on their national flag). reply |