Blohm und Voss Ha.155


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Blohm und Voss Ha.155

Development of the Me-155. The Bv 155 was an ugly, but effective high-altitude fighter with a long-span laminar flow wing and a turbosupercharged engine. The V1, V2 and V3 prototypes were outwardly very different, mainly by relocation of the radiators. The final Bv 155C had the cooling systems under the nose. A contract for 30 production aircraft was issued in the finals days of WWII. Never flown.

Blohm und Voss Ha.155

 ENGINE1 x 1610hp Daimler-Benz DB-603a
  Take-off weight6020 kg13272 lb
  Empty weight4870 kg10737 lb
  Wingspan20.50 m67 ft 3 in
  Length12.00 m39 ft 4 in
  Height2.97 m10 ft 9 in
  Wing area37.70 m2405.80 sq ft
  Ceiling17000 m55750 ft
  Rate of climb690 m/min2250 ft/min
  Range585 km364 miles

Blohm und Voss Ha.155A three-view drawing (1653 x 1100)

Francis Maign�, e-mail, 21.12.2009 18:10

Bv 155
Monomoteur d'interception � haute altitude, monoplace sous verri�re � vision totale, monoplan voilure basse cantilever droite, monod�rive, empennage classique cantilever, train d'atterrissage escamotable, le train principal vers l'int�rieur dans l'intrados de la voilure, roulette de queue vers l'arri�re, radiateurs plaqu�s � l'intrados � mi-envergure ( V1), et � l'extrados ( V2, V3). Construction enti�rement m�tallique. 1 moteur tractif de 12 cylindres invers�s Daimler Benz DB 603 de 1610 Cv avec turbocompresseur TKL 15, h�lice tripale m�tallique � pas variable, E: 20,30 m, L: 11,90 m, H: 2,98 m, Sa: 39,00 m�, Pv: 4868 Kg, Ptc: 5000 Kg, C /a: 141,025 Kg /m�, P /p: 3,105 Kg /Cv, Vm: 690 Kmh, Pl: 16950 m, Ra: 1440 Km, Armement: 1 canon MK 108 de 30 m /m et 2 canons MG 151 /20 de 20 m /m. 1er vol: 01 /09 /1944 (V1), F�vrier 1945 (V2) , 3 prototypes.


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