| Redesign of the CL.la by BFW in accordance with the
"new design principles" as requested by Idflieg resulted
in the CL.III, a single prototype of which was completed
at the close of hostilities but was not apparently subjected to Idflieg testing. Adhering closely to the
concept of the CL.la, the CL.III was powered by a 200hp
Benz Bz IV engine and featured longer-span, more
angular wings. A further development, the CL.IV, remained
on the BFW drawing boards.
 | A three-view drawing (1615 x 1145) |
Wingspan | 11.54 m | 38 ft 10 in |
Length | 7.81 m | 26 ft 7 in |
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|  All the World's Rotorcraft |